♰ Prologue II ♰

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I heard a lot of foot steps roaming around our house and I look into father's eyes with fear.
Kugumi : " father....are you okay?"
Father : " I'm totally fine! " he rushes to me and suddenly give me a very tight hug, I'm surprise by his hug.
Kugumi : "Father, w-what's wrong?" I look at him worriedly
Father : " Listen Kugumi, don't worry about me Kay?take care of yourself while I'm not here for you,I'm worried about you more. You'll know a big secret one day I'm sorry that I kept it from you, its not the right time for you to know now. Here take this" he hands something to me while I'm sitting like a stone in confusion.
Kugumi : " f-father what do you mean while you not here? " he puts a key necklace around my neck.
Father : " we don't have much time, Kugumi this is your mother necklace make sure to treasure it well don't lose it, it's a key to lead you. Be a strong girl for me run as fast as you can find somewhere safe to stay understand? " he quickly stands up
Kugumi " w-wait! Father what's this all about??what do you mean??i don't understand..." I look down and look back at him
Father : " listen to what I say, I love you sweetie. " he rushes to the door
Kugumi : " FATHER!!! Nooo!! " I start to sob and look at him goes
Father : " do this last thing for me Kugumi, RUN!! " he turns back with a warm smile and shout

I don't really know what to do, is father's going to be alright? I'm worried sick as I grab my stuffs with tears in my eyes, I grab the neck that he gave me tight in my palm. I turn back for the last time,
Kugumi : " I'm sorry...I couldn't do anything for you I'm such a useless daughter! I'll do as you said. Gomenasai!! ( sorry ) I'll come back later " I i round my fist in anger then run to the window to open and jump out of the window, I heard a lot of people screaming along with father voice " father you're having a hard time I swear I'll come back! " I talk quietly. I'm out of my room about to run a group of men comes in my way I step back to grab a wood behind my back
Man : " well well well where are you going little girl? " he laughs evilly
I don't say anything I just grab the wood tight in my hand
Man 2 : " woah what are you going to do? I'm so scare " he grins
" These trash, tsk " I thought
Kugumi : " yeah! You should be scare of me cause I'll come for you one day " I said with a serious face
Man 3 : " aww I'm waiting you can come anytime " they are starting to come closer to me and I don't step back I'm not afraid of them but where's father! Is he okay?? Suddenly I hear a blast of flame hit and explode, I cover my face because of the fire heat. What's happening?
Father : " KUGUMI! GO! " I hear father voice I quickly look for him I didn't see him anywhere and I look back to where I were. What...those guys they burnt by flame?
Who did that? Could it be father...no it can't be..
Father : " don't worry about me! Promise me to go safely and keep the key well "
I hear a swish of wind and cry.
Kugumi " hai...(yes)...gomen(sorry) and bye father I'll see you again..." and starting to run as fast as I can. I hear explosion and I see a big flame forming everywhere. I round my fist tight and keep running. " I wonder what's happening there! I will come back for you father! " I keep running through the forest till late night I feel so exhausted, hungry and thirsty at the same time " keep walking Kugumi... you have to walk..."

I got scars everywhere and my clothes got all dirty. My vision goes blur I walk to the another side of the mountain,
Kugumi : " ahhhh!! " I squeeze my eyes tight
I step on a slippery cliff and fall down the mountain.
============💋TO BE CONTINUE 💋============
I'm sorry guys if I update late🙏I update a chapter everyday don't forget to read and support me it really means a lot to me😭❤️ I'm sorry if this sucks this is my first time writing a story if I get a lot of supports I will write more I won't let you guys down💕

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