Chapter 2| The Trio

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"Why can't I stay with big bro?! I WANT TO STAY WITH BIG BRO!" A pleading voice amplifies from behind my door. I think I should've stayed with Hanji at this point because whatever is happening in there I don't want any part in it. I reluctantly reach for the door handle but the person from the other side beats me to it. My eyes widen as I almost crash lips with the figure walking out of my room, thankfully I dodged the fatality and took a step back to evaluate my current situation.

The tall blonde from the trio stood mouth wide agape before me, staring in shock and by the looks of it slight abashment too. A spellbound expression left him in a trance of surprise, what do I do? Did he have a stroke? I peer past him and into my room and the mahogany haired girl sat with her arms cradling her knees at the edge of my bed glaring straight at me. Shit. She looks like she's going to eat me while I sleep. Damn it say something already.

"I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to interrupt anything" I finally manage to blurt out which must've snapped him out of his daydreaming because he was now looking directly at me.
"No,no,no don't apologise I'm sorry for putting on a display in your room" he scratched the back of his head, seeming a little nervous and unprepared for my presence.
"It's fine, take your time"
"Isabel never gets separated from us and always gets quite upset when she does. I'm sorry" he explains now walking towards me.
Ok then? That's unfortunate but can you at least put her in restraints while I get some shut eye? Christ.
"I'm Farlan" he extends a hand to greet me. I gladly accept and give a teethy grin which by the way took a lot of effort.
"I'm (Y/n), welcome to the Survey Corps" I shake his hand vigorously before tucking my hand behind my back never to release it again.
"Thank you (Y/n), anyways I was just helping her settle in so I'll be going now" he smiles and starts to speed walk down the hall and out of the girls quadrant.

I suppress a faint sigh and pivot on my heels staring in at the severely distressed girl. Her hair was disheveled and her eyebrows were in a straight line of disapproval. It wasn't my choice for you to invade my room but here we are. No one gets what they want now do they. I start to step towards the door, a little unsettled from her scrutinising my every move. If she morphed into some tentacle demon I wouldn't be at all fazed. I carefully click the door shut, treating her as some highly sensitive booby trap that could slice my head off at any second and lean against it.

It was a stare to the death between us, some invisible force prevented me from proceeding any further so I remained pressed up against the door. What the hell is with girl? I've seen some shit but this is just something. It's worse then holding a baby. I attempt with communication but my brain is unable to register the request. Perhaps if I interact with it? No, the chances of it biting me are oddly high. I'll just wait.

After a few long moments of insidious silence my heart skips a beat. Her expression snaps into a cheesy and effervescent smile while her legs unfold into a standing position. Fuck, okay not creepy at all. She charges towards me and stops inches away from my face and gazes right through my soul like it wasn't there.
"Hello, I'm Isabel what's your name?!" She bows looking up at me expectantly. Split personality disorder? It's not crossed off the list yet.
"I'm (Y/n)" I mumble starting to make my way towards my bed slyly backing away.

"I'm excited to be in the same room as you! I haven't made new friends in a really long time" she smiles, plopping herself down next to me on my bed. She flops down onto my pillow and stretches her arms towards the ceiling before also slamming them beside her. What are you talking about, I thought you wanted me dead just moments before.
"It'll be cool having a roommate, I haven't had one of those before" I try to make neutral conversation obviously masking my real opinions.

"I've always had roommates, being stuck with big bro and Farlan sure is hectic" she laughs lightly looking towards me. I couldn't help but smile lightly at the comment and decided to pursue the conversation since she obviously values these people with her life.
"Tell me more" I encourage, crossing my legs.
"Well, when I was little I lived in the streets and never had a home but that was until big bro came and saved me"
"Who's big bro?"
"He's the short one who's always grumpy. He also cleans all the time, it's all he ever did if we weren't out getting food and money. Oh, and he's the strongest person I've ever met, he's actually the strongest person in the underground." Her expression lit up as soon as she started to talk about him.
"Why do you call him that?"
"Because his like a big brother to me, he didn't really like it at first but he got used to it"
I chuckle lightly at the thought and continue questioning her.
"What else?"
"In the underground I always felt so confined and trapped but then I saw them flying around like free birds. I was so envious and just wanted to be like them. Free."
"Did they use ODM gear?"
"Yeah, that's one of the reasons why we're here because we're so good at it" she giggles sitting upright.
"Oh and if you want him to like you give him black tea" she adds before getting up to walk over to her bed.

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