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Five years later

Jongin shuts his eyes tightly as he blindly searches for his phone, which he finds but not until he scrapes his palm from some unknown sharp object. He hisses in pain and brings his hand to his lips as he opens his eyes and sits up on the bed. His eyes blurs a little but the pain soon melts away as he eyes lands on his son’s sleeping form. A gentle smile appears on his face, despite the pain, as he leans down and kisses his five year old’s forehead, lovingly.

Jimin is growing beautiful by each passing days and so does the number of admiring words of his neighbors for the small life. Beautiful but mischievous too, a lot if you ask him, but that’s what makes Jongin fall more in love with the kid. His mischievousness scares Jongin a lot too, because he is the only one Jongin is left with, the only one alive who he loves and he is not ready to lose someone he loves, again.

As he gets up from the bed and walks towards kitchen, to prepare breakfast for himself and Jimin too, certain memory crosses his mind, but he quickly pushes them in the back of his mind, as he is not ready to cry, yet again. But something are inevitable too as he finally crosses his mind, despite how much he tries not to think about it.

“Nah nah, you see, I learned it a long time ago and you have to eat no matter what.” Chanyeol says as he cages Jongin between himself and the dining table and smirks when Jongin defeatedly sighs.

“But hyung, you make the worst of soups.” Jongin whines as Chanyeol brings the spoon closer to younger’s lips.

“You are hurting me Jongin.” Chanyeol pouts he nudges Jongin’s lips with the spoon. “Come on just one time.” He says and when Jongin sighs and finally gulps it down he smiles warmly at him.

“Too much for someone I love.”

Sometimes Jongin doesn’t understand why life snatches one’s happiness, their love.

Jongin doesn't believe in show off. And so, Mrs. Jeon’s words doesn't bother him. The woman says he should buy a vehicle or more specifically a car. The kind woman is Jungkook's mother, Jungkook is one of Jimin’s friends and another of bubbly kid in Jongin’s life.

Jongin hates personal vehicles, especially cars.

“I don't know why do you even believe this thing.” Chanyeol asks as he lowers himself a little so that Jongin can tie the small pendant around his neck.

“It’s not a thing, Chanyeol. I believe in them, it's God’s blessings and I do not doubt them.” Jongin smiles as he pats the pendant. “And you too are not going to doubt them.”

“Okay okay fine. I promise it will only come off when I… ummm.” He stops as he places his finger on his lips as if pondering his words and then proudly smiles. “It will only come off when I will die.”  He says and laughs when Jongin’s eyes widens.

“PARK CHANYEOL, You can not say something like that." He shouts as genuine tears welled up in his eyes and he doesn't even runs after Chanyeol to chase him and slap him.

When Chanyeol realizes, he stops and carefully walks towards Jongin. “Hey-”

“-You shouldn't say something like that, bastard.” Jongin shouts. “We don't know, w-what will happen wh-when.”

Jongin hates cars, he hates them.

“You know, I suddenly doubt that we shouldn't even be here.” Chanyeol says as he looks at Jongin and then back straight.

“Focus on driving, Chan.” Jongin says as he finishes his call with Mrs. Jeon. The lady had kindly accepted to take care of Jimin when Chanyeol and Jongin were called out for one of the adult party. He may have not accepted it, but Chanyeol’s parents were going to be there too and he can't pass an opportunity of winning the Park couple’s heart. “And why do you think like that?” Jongin asks as he places his phone back in his pants pocket and looks over at Chanyeol only to find the older male staring at him. “What are you doing look straight-”

“-You are looking so damn gorgeous, Jongin and it's..”

“Chanyeol shut the fuck up..!!” Jongin shouts.

“No wait you are looking sexy…” Chanyeol blabber and Jongin panics as he sees another car moving in the same intersection.

“CHANYEOL.!” Jongin screams and the next thing he knows is the feeling of the car being turned upside down, and the not so gentle way the glass's scratches and cuts his skin and-

-Chanyeol’s dead eyes staring at him and the pendant’s absence.

Jongin doesn't understand why he was left alive but he is glad, because he has Jimin, even when there's no Chanyeol, whom he can call his husband or Jimin him his daddy.

He loves Chanyeol, it's just he wishes him to be here with them as a family, as they planned their life as.

Or maybe it was his fault that he didn't tie the pendant tightly around Chanyeol's neck.

“... You remember, what you promised me?” Jongin asks as he closes his eyes and imagines Chanyeol standing in front of him, as he shifts on his knees in front of the statue of Christ, silently hoping to get some answers. “A forever.” Jongin whispers. “You’re such a liar, Chanyeol.”

“'I will be there no matter what. I promise you'. 'You will never be alone'. I don’t understand why people make promises and then break them.”

“Because promises are meant to be broken?” A very familiar, deep voice reaches his ears and he turns around only to be greeted with a familiar yet unfamiliar face.

The man, very tall man, walks towards him or rather the statue, a smile on his face as he kneels beside Jongin. “I have heard it a long time ago.” The man says, as Jongin shifts on his knees and looks ahead and after closing his eyes for one last time stands up.

“Sometimes people wants to live with their fantasy.” Jongin answers and he turns around to walk away but stops when the man calls him.

“I never understood you, Jongin.” This surprises Jongin a lot, even though the man seemed familiar earlier, he didn’t know he would know his name too. He turns around as the man smiles, an expression of regret visible on his face.

“We met again, Jongin.” The man stops as he walks towards Jongin.

“Remember me? I am Oh Sehun.”


A/n: What do you guys think will happen in the next and the last chapter. Do not jump to conclusions right away as this story is containing a lot of drama and anything is possible. Anything.

(Please keep in mind that there's only one chapter left.)

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