Never Ending

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So what if I'm sensative, yes the things you say do hurt. A lot of things hurt, I am going through a rough time right now. I'm curious if you ever regret the rumors you spread. Do you realize you are a bully not only to me but to a lot of people? You tell some people their not good enough or that the appear to be overweight. What is the reason for that how does that make you happy. A person is a person no matter what size color or feature they are and some people forget that every human has feelings and emotions. My question is what do you enjoy about making fun of people? I know this person in my school who missed a whole week of school because he was over weight. A whole week! Does that mean anything to you because that kid probably try's harder than you in everything he does. He is very smart and has the brightest smile in the whole school but your so pathetic you lack to see the good in people. Maybe it is you that isn't good enough, maybe your not good enough for yourself but you just can't admit it. Is that why you bully or is it for the attention that people give you that you shouldn't get. It is ridiculous how many people give up their life because they don't want to live in the torture you put them through anymore.

Something you should know for starters are my parents are split up. I had two bestfriends leave me because i talked about my family problems too much. Yet I thought a friend was supposed to be there for anything and everything with you. Apperently not, both of them spread multiple rumors about me now so i was smart and moved on to only having guy friends. The reason for this is because I'm a tomboy and when I look at the boys I see fun and careless and dramaless and I realize that I need that in my life not what girls do it is just too much to handle. At lunch I sit with my group of friends Colin, Anthony, Dakota, and another Collin that I call Harding, its his last name. Whenever I'm annoyed they make me laugh in some stupid way I just never feel the need to have to impress them like I used to do with all the girls now I can just be myself. Colin not Harding is the one I'm the most close too it is pretty complicated actually, My dad cheated on my Mom with Colin's mom. Now his mom and my dad arent together anymore which makes me even more mad because it makes me feel like my parents split up for no reason. The way I see it is they tore up two perfect families just to benefit them selves and them just break up. I will say thoiugh I did make any amazing friend out of all of this we tell each other everything we both Know exactly what eachother are going through. I don't think people understand how good it . for people to finally care. My mom and the four of us kids tried to move to deleware but the judge wouldn't even budge, so my family is pretty much stuck in this stupid town. I just don't have much in this town anymore.

My dad doesn't really care anymore he invaded my privacy and went through my text messages. He hardly says love you to me anymore and he is always trying to guilt me and my siblings. Whenever I'm on a fight with him he always says well you know I was the one changing your diapers when you were babies. It is extremely annoying for us because even if he wanted to he couldn't even imagine what we are going through. It Sucks! It absolutely right out Sucks! Their is nothing we can do about it. I wish I could drill into my fathers head that we are kids not robots he will never understand that. The other thing that makes me really mad is how he begs us to go to his house and when we go he is in his room the whole time. He used to smoke cigarettes but then he stopped but I think he is still smoking something in his room by the way it seems. I don't think he understands that he is majorly drawing his kids away from him. The only one of us that goes to his house is the youngest josh and I believe that is because my father bribes him. Every time josh goes to his house he comes back with something new every time. My father is so pathetic and then he goes and texts us that we never text him anymore unless we need something. I can't wait for the day when he will see the pain he is putting us in.

My mom on the other hand is Mylar favorite woman in the entire world. She is so amazingly strong after all she is a single mom with 4 kids. I will say we don't give her even close to the amount of respect she deserves. She always yells a us at how our house is a mess because it is and she yells about how we are lazy because we are. My mom has done so much for our family and she has also been to hell and back.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 19, 2014 ⏰

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