Note 10 (from Phyllis)

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I don't care how much you write. It doesn't matter to me. Okay do last night I had a very wacky. Crazy. But at the same time awesome dream. Okay do this so how it went.... now I don't remember how it started but I remember Louis had a crush on me and kept trying to make me like him. But I liked Harry. I didn't think he thought the same way, or should I say felt the same way. So I tell Louis I like someone else, and he says he knows I like Harry so he goes and tells Harry. Harry finally tells me he feels the same way so we date. (I also remember him saying "I'm brave" a lot. Wonder why he said that! lol!) so we were dating then he proposed. I said yes then I woke up. Ugh! Why can't it be in real life!? :( Okay so I have a little thing for you (the him in it is Harry)

1. I woke up

2. I went to school

3. I saw him

4. I ran to him

5. I hugged him

6. I kissed him

...... Actually the real order is 2,3,4,5,6,1. :/ I saw it on Facebook and thought DANG! That happens to me all the time! Well I gtg. Ugh! Bye! :D


Well that was pretty long too! but umm when she said she don't care how much I write, she was talking about how I wrote a note to her that was really short and I felt bad cuz she writes long notes but mine was short. An then the whole middle part was a dream she had. And the last part is about a pic she saw on face book. So there ya go!!!! :D byeeeeee!!!!!!

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