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The Next Day.

Rose- lean to the left a little bit Evelyn

Evelyn- (leans left and looks into the camera)

Photographer- (takes the picture) perfect

Rose- alright thanks Eve. Joaquin you're up

Joaquin- (walks in front of the camera)

Evelyn- (sits at her makeup table and opens her bag of chips) starvingggg!

China & Melicia- (approaches her)

Melicia- Eve put those chips down

China- cuz we are going out

Evelyn- (looks at them) I don't wanna go out

Melicia- honey what could you possibly be doing that would be more fun than going out with us?

Evelyn- (picks up her book)

Melicia- (grabs the book and throws it)

Evelyn- Hey!

Melicia- oh honey you don't need that

China- yeah come on Evelyn live a little. Joaquin is going too

Evelyn- (rolls her eyes) fine where is it?

China- yay! (Claps)

Melicia- it's at this dudes mansion on sunset boulevard. I'll text you the deets (walks away)

China- and remember, you're the designated driver (walks away)

Evelyn- I always am (picks up Her chips)

Jaqcuees- (approaches her) s'up Eve

Evelyn- hey I haven't seen you all day. You going to that party the girls are screaming about

Jaqcuees- nah I gotta stay home and take care of my mom. Evelyn Gilinsky is going to a party?

Evelyn- oh whatever (laughs a bit) I have fun sometimes

Jaqcuees- aight. Just make sure you ain't give any boys your attention. Can't have them thinking they can take what was once mine (kisses her hand and walks away)

Evelyn- (playfully rolls her eyes)


Kiera - (pulling on her dress)

Noah- (Walks in her room) how was your date with Mason?

Kiera- why do you care?

Noah- cuz you're my twin sister and he's my best friend (sits on her bed)

Kiera- (smiles) it was good. He's a really nice guy

Noah- well I'm happy if my little sister is happy

Kiera- (makes a face) by 30 seconds

Noah- still counts

Kiera- (playfully rolls her eyes) get out big head

Rose- Alright Everyone! Skate Has To Be On His Way To The Red Carpet In 5!....4!...3!

Kiera & Noah- (runs downstairs) ready

Nate- (Walks downstairs) how do I look?

Noah- fly

Kiera- handsome

𝚃𝙴𝙰𝙲𝙷𝙴𝚁'𝚂 𝙿𝙴𝚃 𝟹: 𝚃𝙷𝙴 𝙽𝙴𝚇𝚃 𝙶𝙴𝙽𝙴𝚁𝙰𝚃𝙸𝙾𝙽 [𝟷𝟾+]Where stories live. Discover now