Your Sweet Six Six Six

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Home. Home is where the heart is. The winter sun gently creeping through the window with its first beams of the day and bringing light upon the many records thrown around the flood, its carpet were many, many shirts, a pair of jeans and shoes, dirty magazine, and finally over the bed where two covers were up over each other. As the sunlight traveled further the surface, the covers quaked and made a groaning, deep-voiced disapproving noise that discovered a pair of feet. On the other edge of the bed, a couple of curly locks of hair were leading underneath where a very sleepy Ville didn’t want to great the morning Sun. Instead he decided to hide there until some time.

An hour, two passed. The Sun, you couldn’t get away from it. Noticing how the sheet didn’t give any positive results in hiding, he took the decision to let the sunlight win, but next time he wouldn’t allow it. Yesterday was a rough journey back from the hospital he was in for a godly long time. How did he accomplish to go from Helsinki to a small town that wasn’t even drawn on the map of Finland? But he put that quickly aside for he had to start his new day sooner. Living in these tobacco smelling covers wouldn’t be an option. 

He prepared his usual cup of coffee and smoked a cigarette near the window, so the apartment wouldn’t devour more poisonous odors. The day was arising strangely bright and warm for the winter- the birds were singing a cheerful song, the sea of dead leaves under the light of the Sun showed hidden colors of life, no clouds to bring a snowy or grey day, was it all this an illusion or his long dismiss? The church… The church also looked unusual. The old style of that place beamed and no sound or sight of ravens was heard or seen. Yes, the naked black trees around it still threw that feeling of horror, but it looked fresher than ever. The sculptured angels carved on both sides where a stone entrance was to be found seemed like they were smiling. Ville’s curiosity for the queerness of the sight the church had summoned him to visit it. It pulled him so much it didn’t feel right…

He didn’t bother putting a coat on, the weather was with spring warmth, but put a hat on to cover up the wild messiness his curly hair proudly showed. 

The doors of the century old building were on the edge of breaking, the metal that was still keeping the wood up and handles had so much alteration of the rust, he had a fear for touching it, he might catch something he wouldn’t want to have, but whoever’s watching this from above would surely protect him, so he reached for on of the handles and shook the door to move it inwardly, the cold wind gave him a really warm welcome, and he stepped inside. 

Everything was left behind, forgotten by God and not even visited by the demons. Undisturbed for so many years of haunted sleep, some night Ville’d hear howls that weren’t human-like. Dead, restless howls, evil… Most of the chairs were either broken or thrown at many different directions, the curtains with the face of God and Son were ripped in many vicious ways, chandeliers swinging at his entrance and making creaking sounds like they were about to shatter and shower him in glassy glory. The windows were grey in color, some broken and allowing in sunlight pass and let the marble angels live, but they weren’t the only ones living- a couple of shadows played through the faces of the statues and broken chairs… And why was one moving? Ville’s eyes caught something he’d only read in one of the many stories of Poe- beneath the darkness of one tall chair leaned against a wall, looking like a coffin, the beam of light formed a frame of a thin woman dressed in white that soon took human features- in a white wedding dress. Ville’s blood froze and body became still like one of the marble angels, his sight only casting over the horrific madam- face angelic, but scary for one part of her lip was ripped and her white teeth easily seen. White as snow. The skin almost torn and held grotesque. How was it possible for a corpse to possess beauty after Death’s date? She had grey locks of hair that were drawing her shoulders and until her waist. It was one of the shades that brought color into her appearance. Her eyes blue like Greek waters, the little lips she had had distinctive bloody red. Ville felt some kind of horror and attraction of this creature of the Underworld. She was with enchantment unseen to this world. Her smile stretched lightly and she walked toward him, with each step she took into the outside of the darkness, her body began taking a flesh human form- her legs that were with meat almost ripped off until bone were now strongly built, her lips developed kissable and her long hair replaced the gravely color with black. Ville felt his blood melting and running quick, quicker when her cold touch met his skin. “Will you join me?” The question rang with a ghostly echo around, even though she neared his ear. His waves ran wildly, blush covered his pale from previous fright skin and breathing uneasy. He couldn’t gather his thought for an answer and he stood there in front of her wondering what to do. His attraction her arrows when she moved back, then he saw her more clearly - the most beautiful creation his eyes would ever rest sight upon… Her figure trebled at his nervous looks that she was studying with such curiosity in her greenish-blue eyes and finally took his hand, leading him to a more illuminated corner of the church where with freezing lips that sent shivers down his spine kissed him, her hands helping with that as they searched down his body. He unfroze with the return of her kiss and his waves took a high temperature that even she felt and took some as she pressed against him, then not only she slowly unwrapped herself from the dress, revealing a body with excellent curves, but undressed him and they dived together in the sea of passion and lust..

A church would jingle with songs dedicated to the almighty Creator that gave life to all, to the majesty of He to this dreadful world.

Ville was singing the song of love making with the girl that was beastly scratching his back and chanting along with him. She gave him her marks of passion… So wonderful he was feeling with her.. 

They end held sadness for she was with him for a little then left him, sealing his protesting lips with her kiss and disappearing back into her shadows. Ville was left puzzled, tears were on the edge of trickling down… All that she left behind was her dress.

After some minutes of staying in silence on one broken chair, he got up to dress himself, his skin staying with the cold winds wasn’t pleasant, and took the dress with himself. On his way to the great wooden exit, he heard her voice again… 

“You are the one…”.

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