Chapter 2 - Meet my neighbour

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After 'perfecting' my messy bun , and I sure am lucky it's meant to be messy , I grabbed my car keys along with my backpack and ran to my truck. The car keys rattled a melody like wind chimes as my backpack kept sliding off my shoulder but I didn't care. After all I did not want to be late on the first day back.

I jammed the keys into the ignition and my car roared to life.. Then died a slow painful death. Crap, I thought as I jumped out to go see if I could get a lift from my mom.

Just my luck.

Apparently she had to go to the office early. I bet your thinking how could you not notice the car pulling out. Well this is because my mom is so embarrassed of my rusty , old truck that she makes me park it around the block.It was either that or send it to the scrapyard.

So proud, so proud. Anyway...

I only had two options. Either go catch the bus where I would be late or I could ask my next door neighbour. I would choose the latter over the bus any day.

This because where I live you have no normal bus. No you have a bus full with old people and little kids. Everyone else either bikes to school, catches a ride to school, or can drive. This is why I'm happy to even have a old , rusty truck. When it actually decides to work that is.

I went next door to Justin's. He's my best friend but not at school. This because I'm the nerd and he's the football player. Classification- we do not mix well. I've been friends with him since I was 5 and caught him running around in his backyard naked... With his friend Ryder. We used to be like the three musketeers.

Used to be as in past tense. Ryder decided he would rather sacrifice old friendship for the popularity crap like parties. Me and Justin are still besties but we both know going to school together would damage his reputation.

Frankly he looked quite surprised when I knocked on his door with my extremely deformed bun. I could actually hear his chin drop.

'Hey Mimi ' He said using my much loved nickname.

'Hi Justin is it alright if I catch a ride with you?  ' I said full of hope.

I saw him begin to hesitate but then I quickly added, ' Don't worry you can drop me off around the corner from the entrance'

He quickly saw that this way he could keep his reputation intact AND help me out!

It was merely a nod that was next but I didn't mind since right there and then I pounced onto him and gave him a full on hug.

20 Awkward Minutes Later

And why were they awkward you ask . Well , honestly,the conversation of what his girlfriend does to him just makes me want to barf. Over and over again. In a dark alleyway. With no one to hold back my hair, well not really because you don't need to hold it up anymore. But that isn't the point.

The point is his girlfriend is nauseating. She's the stereotypical blonde cheerleader , who to me looks like a stick insect. Not only that but she is as perky as hell. She would even cheer if all her hair fell out. OMG that would be a perfect cheer.

'I'm bald oh oh I'm really really bald go bald people'

I try to cover my laughter but Justin looked a bit worried so I quickly said ' You can drop me off here ' .

He looked relieved but still replied ' Wanna hang out later ? '

Knowing it would probably be just to help him with his trig homework, I didn't care.

'Sure ' I smirked whilst imagining his girlfriend bald again.

I clambered out of his car and returned to my thoughts.

I mean his girlfriend, who is called Ally, never lets go of him as if he's going to run away and have a kid with someone. I mean there's not much a seventeen year old in highschool can do . Well that's legal anyway.

Interrupting my thoughts was a male voice, ' Hey Mimi' .

Thinking it was Justin or someone else I knew I turned around but then my face suddenly clouded over when I met his eyes.

Oh great, I thought, not only did it throw our friendship down the drain but he also has the nerves to talk to me . Wow this kid has balls .

I just realised that I said most of that out loud as Ryder shifted nervously, slowly turning a shade of pink.

' Aw is the bad boy now blushing' I said reaching up to pink his cheeks.

He sure enough quickly slapped my hands away but not before gazing deeply in my eyes for some odd reason.

'Um no, I just wanted to tell you that you've been standing there like a madwoman laughing' He commented.

I was about to defend myself , when I saw that he was right. I hadn't moved from where I had gotten out of Justin's car. Now it was my turn to blush but I quickly turned away, ignoring him, and rushed to the school gates.

The school , which was on the bridge of being a historic building, had a hand from a Gothic architecture. The beams ranged across the front in a complicated pattern giving it an old feeling if you know what I mean. It made you feel like you were there on the 18th century.

In some ways, the grey building may look a bit bland far away , whereas up close you could see the ivy growing over it actually gave it some character and the caretaker wasn't just lazy. You can also see that the variety of students walking through the entrance were most likely getting detention. Unlike other forms of punishment, if this were the 18th century.

And funnily enough I just happened to be one of the students. I didn't stand out if you know what I mean. I was wearing light blue skinny jeans with a logo top and a tie dye backpack.

I was one of the students who were better off staying in the background. This was because I had ideas that the school board wouldn't necessarily agree with if you know what I mean.

Moving on, as soon as I got through the door the banging of lockers welcomed me to my very own hell... Sea View High . Which alone was a very pathetic name considering the fact that we were kind of isolated from the beach , unless your willing to take a 20 minute drive to go get burned. That's without me mentioning that our head teacher is called Mr Numbnuts and that is where I'm not joking. Not only that but he is also bald and sometimes wears a little furry toupee.

I was just about to walk into my first class when I got pulled into the nearby janitor closet...

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