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And then I was dead.

Yes I know you're thinking "this is how a normal book ends". well I'm not normal, and neither is this book. let me just take you back about 3 years ago where it all started.

RING RING! "Uuuugh". RING RING! "Shut up"!! RING RING! i threw myself out from underneath the warm covers, being greeted with a slap of cold. I ran down the never ending stairs and opened the doors, still in my pj's. "hello", i said groggly. "yes, miss, we need you to come with us."

And that's where it all began.

I know thats not enough information for you haters and enthusiastic readers, but trust me this isn't the last time you will be hearing from me.


THANKS FOR READING!! i really hope you will enjoy this story, and dont be afraid to sent me comments if you like it or not or anything i could do better or sugestions.

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