Chapter 2

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Harry opens the door to the coffee shop, allowing Kaitlin to enter first. She notices that the place is mostly empty. Harry points to a small table in the corner. "How about over there?"

    Kaitlin smiles and nods. Harry lays his hand ever so gently on the small of her back, guiding her to the table. After pulling out her chair for her, Harry takes the one that leaves his back to the rest of the cafe.
    "A girl could get used to such chivalry." Kaitlin says as she looks into his perfect green eyes.

    Harry winks, "That's the plan."

She tries desperately to swallow the breath that's stuck in her throat as a burst of heat explodes in her chest. Those damn dimples.

    "What can I get you two?"

Kaitlin gives the waitress her order then watches as Harry is extremely polite and respectful with the woman. If only men realized how sexy women find a kind man with manners.

    Kaitlin nods as Harry asks if she'd like to share a chocolate croissant. Her eyes drift down to his smooth chest showing through his partially unbuttoned shirt. Hmm, I wonder what it would be like to lick some of that chocolate off of his chest? Her eyes get big.

    Harry grins, "What?"

Fighting the pink climbing up her cheeks, Kaitlin replies, "Oh, nothing." I can't believe I thought that. Dani was right, this is wonderful writing research.

    "I assume you aren't going to share with me what has inspired that adorable smirk on your face?" Harry teases.

    She shakes her head, looking down, blushing.

"I would love to be in your mind right now, Kaitlin."

    Still looking down, she replies quietly, "No you don't."

In a deep, sexy, serious tone, Harry replies, "Actually, I'm pretty sure I'd enjoy it."

    Kaitlin looks up quickly, meeting his bright, serious eyes.

"Here you go." The waitress interrupts the passionate tension between them.

Harry cuts the croissant in half, handing Kaitlin the slightly larger piece. "So tell me about your writing."

    "There's not much to tell." Kaitlin says, her self doubt rising. However, unlike other people in her life, Harry pushes her for more information. He's clearly interested and she finds herself truly opening up about it for the first time. Before she knows it an hour has passed. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to go on and on."

    Harry shakes his head, "Don't apologize. You literally light up when you talk about writing. Will you let me read something you've written?"

    "I'll think about it." Kaitlin teases.

"While you're thinking about that...I have another question for you. Will you join me for dinner tonight?" Harry smiles sweetly.

    Her breath catches in her throat. Kaitlin, you idiot. "Harry, I'm sorry but I can't." The pain in his eyes causing a deep wound in her heart.

    "Have I done something wrong?" Harry asks quietly.

"No, no, Harry. I have a boyfriend."

    The look in Harry's eyes confirming he had no clue. "Why didn't you say something sooner?"

    Kaitlin looks down then up to meet his eyes. "Honestly...I forgot."

Harry's brow furrows, his head tilting slightly, "How do you forget that you have a boyfriend?"

    "I've been having such a good time with you, I didn't even think about it."

The classic grin returns to Harry's face. "I guess that bodes well for me if I can make you forget your boyfriend even exists."

    Kaitlin smiles then sighs, "I'm sorry. I never meant to mislead you."

"I know you didn't." Harry adjusts his long legs under the table, his knees grazing Kaitlin's as he does. "We can still be friends, can't we?"

    Kaitlin smiles. What is it about this man that causes such a strange feeling in my stomach? "I'd like very much for us to be friends. I should go now though, I have dinner plans."

    Harry nods, looking down. "I understand." He stands as Kaitlin does.

"Thank you for everything, Harry."

    "You're welcome, Princess."

Her heart jumps at his words as he moves in for a hug. No one has ever called her by such a sweet nickname. She lays her cheek against his chest, rubbing his back far longer than a woman with a boyfriend should.

    It's actually Harry who pulls away from the embrace first. As Kaitlin looks in his eyes she can't help but feel guilty about the hurt she finds there.

    "Have a good night, Love."

At a loss for words, she only smiles and nods.

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