Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

       If there was one thing I hated as much as one of my family members ended up coming to the hospital because of an injury or any other cause, it was them coming to the hospital arguing with each other.

       I was just minding my business at the hospital, doing my job when I saw Holden and Mom walk in arguing with each other.

       I hurried over to them. "Whoa, mind telling me what you're doing here arguing instead of, I don't know, being anywhere else?"

       "I need you to talk to some sense into your brother," Mom said.

       "Uh, okay, but I'd rather do that on my own time," I said. "You know, not in my work space, disrupting me from saving people's lives."

       "Oh, don't be melodramatic," Mom said.

       "Yeah, see?" Holden said. "We're disrupting Josh in his work space, so I say we leave and forget this whole thing."

       "No, I need a doctor's opinion to back mine up," Mom said.

       I sighed. "Alright, let's get this over with so I can get back to work. What's all this arguing about?"

       "Holden got a job," Mom said.

       I furrowed my eyebrows. "And that's what you were arguing about because....?"

       "It's at The Gold Mine," Mom said. "Meaning he's going to have to cook food, and remember orders. Not to mention it's going to interfere with his school work, and he's already doing quite poorly."

       "I'm not going to do well in school, and I'm graduating soon," Holden said. "There's no point focusing on just it if I'm only going to pass with a bare minimum. So, I got a job so I could at least do something with my life."

      "Holden, you already struggling with remembering the smallest of things," Mom said. "Working at a restaurant isn't going to do you any good. Tell him, Josh."

       "Actually, working at the restaurant will be great brain stimulation for Holden," I said. "While it may not be my recommended form of treatment, it will be great for Holden to get into some sort of daily routine. Working at the restaurant and having to deal with recipes and orders should slowly, but surely, help strengthen his memory."

       "See?" Holden said, looking at Mom. "I told you it would be fine."

       Mom ignored him and looked at me. "With all due respect, Josh, working at a restaurant will put way too much stress on Holden."

       "With all due respect, Mother, I'm pretty sure I, the doctor, would know what would work best for Holden," I said. "I know you're his mom and you're trying your best to look out for him, but you're being too safe with him. A job will be good for him."

       "Again, see?" Holden said. "Josh said it's fine, so it's fine. Or are you going to pull the whole Mom thing and say no 'because you said so'?"

       "I don't do that," Mom said. "And I'm saying no because I don't want your brain to get worse."

       Mom was such a stubborn person. She and Holden came here to get my opinion on the matter, yet she was ignoring it just because I was on Holden's side and not hers.

       Too bad Holden was just as stubborn as her, so this was going to be a tight battle.

       "Wow," Holden said. "That's a first. Most parents would want their children to get a job. Oh, but not mine. No, she would rather have me not have a job, and just lock myself in my room all day."

       "I didn't say that," Mom said.

       "You didn't have to," Holden said.

       I sighed. "Okay, the arguing needs to stop. Mom, you can't ignore my advice just because it's not siding with you. You two came here to get my opinion, and I'm telling you that it will be great for Holden to be in a steady environment where he gets into a daily routine. And I doubt he's going to be tasked with too much for him to begin with. It will be fine."

       "Again, it isn't happening," Mom said.

       "Mom, are you not listening to what Josh said?" Holden said. "He's a doctor. He knows my condition, and he said it's fine, so it's fine. You can't keep stopping me from doing every little thing just because of my brain injury."

       "I don't need you getting hurt anymore," Mom said.

       "Mom, he's not going to get hurt working in a restaurant," I said. "They'll probably make him wait tables only until he's able to learn the recipes on the menu anyway, and waiting tables shouldn't be too hard for him. He's going to work there whether you like it or not."

       "Yeah, or I'm going to move out and into Josh's house," Holden said.

       "Nope, still not happening," I said.

       "Well, it was worth a shot," Holden said.

       "You know what? Fine," Mom said. "But don't say I didn't warn you when it turns out badly."

       As she as she left the hospital, I looked at Holden. "Don't listen to her. I know she's just worried about you, but you're right about this one. You need a job, and it really will slowly help with your memory. How'd you get a job there anyway with literally no experience?"

       "Oh, I had to practically beg Shaw to get me a job there," Holden said. "He kept saying he wanted to, but Mom would kill him if she finds out he got me the job. Thankfully for me, I have the best convincing skills ever."

       "And the truth?" I asked.

       "And the truth is Shaw has Mercy, Lucian, and Castiel for the weekend, but he'll be working when their mom drops them off at Shaw's house, so I'll be babysitting for a few hours," Holden said. "Lucky me."

       "Ooh, good luck with that," I said. Mercy, Lucian, and Castiel were Shaw's kids that he had with his ex. They were well behaved for the most part, but they didn't know Holden too well since he had been at boarding school for a while, so they might give him a hard time.

       "I don't need luck," Holden said. "I'm a natural with kids. That, and I was figuring I could bribe them with candy if they get too crazy."

       "Yes, feed them sugar and make them even crazier," I said. "Perfect babysitting skills right there."

       "And what do you know about babysitting?" Holden asked. "Oh, right, because of your daughter, Celeste."

       "Shut up," I said. "And get out of the hospital. I have to get back to work. You've distracted me enough."

       Holden shrugged. "You know I'm right."


Help me, I was in a Halloween mood yesterday and decorated my room, and now I'm in a Christmas mood BECAUSE I SUDDENLY SMELLED PINE. WHY AM I SMELLING PINE???

I have a presentation for my creative writing class in less than a week and I'm so freaking nervous. I don't get how I can teach a class in church perfectly fine, I can perform in plays perfectly fine (which includes singing solo), YET I HAVE TO PRESENT SOMETHING IN CLASS AND I FEEL LIKE DYING.

At least I can talk about my babies Nolan and Dax, so that should help. <3

ANYWAY, we got a plot twist coming up lol what i didn't say anything what plot twist?

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