Dodge A Bullet

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Chapter 10


I dodge through all the students and speed walk as fast as I can. I then stop and grab me a sandwich before heading towards the center of campus. I walk through the doors and I can already see Austin, Rose, and Viv sitting at the table. I grin widely and throw my bag on the table before taking a seat. "What's up, guys." I smile and bite into my sandwich.

Austin and Viv greet me but Rose is currently on the phone. "Baby. I know." She pause. "I know." She opens her mouth to say something but quickly shut it. "Nathalie. I know." She repeats with a frown.. "We're looking over it right now. I promise. Austin have some good ideas just chill out..." Rose smack her forehead. "I know you want everything to be perfect but you're driving everyone insane..." Rose pause. "Nathalie." She then look at her phone. "Ugh. She hung up on me."

I bite into my sandwich again and moan at how my taste buds tingle. I swallow and then say, "You shouldn't have called her crazy."

Rose roll her eyes, "Well. I give up. You talk some sense into her."

I shrug my shoulders, "Sure."

Rose narrow her eyes at me but before she can say anything Austin is speaking, "Seriously, Sam. Everything needs to be perfect for Nathalie cause she's my friend. But, also because I'm working for Miranda and she will destroy me if everything is not how Nathalie wants it"

I snort, "She'll kill you."

Austin frown and I continue to chuckle. "Okay, fine. I'll talk some sense into Nathalie. She's just being her normal self."

"Who would have thought a wedding would make everything stressful." Rose complain.

I roll my eyes and laugh, "Stop being a baby. You know you love Nathalie when she's being crazy."

"In bed." Rose corrects. "Only in bed. I can't even get proper sleep at night because she's forcing me to make a perfect guest seating chart. What the fuck is that even for? Let people sit wherever the hell they want."

I snort again and bite into my sandwich. "Glad you're first." I swallow not even noticing what I just said. Rose give a huge smirk and ask, "You and Miranda back together?"

"What?" I shift uncomfortable.

Rose grin gets wider. "Don't play stupid. It's obvious."

"What is obvious?" Tessa place her things down before sitting next to me. Rose look between the two of us and answer, "Sam and her ex is back together." She forces out her mouth. I narrow my eyes but Rose give me a piercing stare back. "Great right?" She cock her head to the side waiting on Tessa to answer.

Tessa shift and focus on her wrap before saying, "Yeah sure. Miranda is great."

Rose almost choke on her own spit and Austin look up from his laptop in caution. Viv as always is scrolling on her phone but she doesn't have to be looking to know what is going on around her. I think she likes to stay far away from the drama after what happened between her, Nathalie, and Rose.

"She knows." I answer and then desperately try to change the subject. "So, have Nathalie chosen a dress yet?"

"How did you find out?" Rose cock her head to the side. "Did you catch them on the couch?"

"Rose." I hiss.

Tessa looks surprised by the question. "No. I didn't catch them anywhere. It was obvious."

Rose shrug her shoulders as if the answer is good enough. She then focus her attention back on me. "Well. It's great you two is back together and having sex...." Rose say. "Now Nathalie can focus on this wedding, her grades, and her internship without worrying about you two."

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