why are you blushing blonde

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(y/n) pov
After laxus said that Belladonna didnt have to die. Leroy and I both let out a sigh of relief. But i was wondering who is Belladonnas true love? is it leroy? If it is i can wait intill she is safe from whatever evil spell or curse she is under.

Laxus pov

I keep on looking at (y/n). "She looks so adorable." What what?! No no she looks annnoying yeah she looks annoying! I cant believe i called her adorable... Well at least i didnt actually tell her she adorable... Wait did u actually say it outloud?! I look at leroy i know he heard me by the smirk somehow on his face. But judging by (y/n)s face she didnt hear me. But there is still a slight blush on my face that wont go away. WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME?!?!

Leroys pov

I see Laxus blushing but i have to get (y/n) to notice i hit her slightly with my tail. She looks at me and i pointed at Laxus, she sees the blush and starts giggling. Laxus notices and starts blushing even more "what is that blush for blonde?" she asks him "w-what blush?" laxus asks back, stuttering while hiding the blush

Author-chans pov

(y/n) went and started walking right next to Laxus "that blush." she says poking his cheek causing him to blush even more.

Well cliff hanger is here and i promised to update so i did. I will try to update more but i have school but it might not happen that often

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