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1 : having drunk so much alcohol that normal actions (such as talking, thinking, and moving) become difficult to do
2 : dominated by an intense feeling

"Woah, hang on Kristen. You're a bit heavy." Robert huffed as he draped Kristen's arm around his shoulders.

"Hey, Fuck you dude. Don't tell me what to do." Kristen slurred her words, her movements lazy and out of control as Robert navigated them out of the bar.

"Where the hell are we going?" Kristen grumbled, noticing the bright lights of the lamppost ahead of her. "Why are we outside? I'm not done with my drink yet." She pouted. Robert laughed. He was amused at the sight of Kristen, hardassed as she was, whenever she was vulnerable and confused everytime she got drunk off her ass.

"Don't you worry, love. Just trying to get you home safely." He said, finally getting to his car. After letting Kristen settle in, He started the car, then looked to his left. He noticed Kristen, with her eyes closed and her head leaned back on the head rest, breathing slowly.

It was a change of pace, surprising for someone who spent car rides singing along to the stereo at the top of her lungs. The soft breaths she took, a slow rhythm that sounded like a lullaby to Robert's ears.

With a slight smile, Robert started to drive. It was only a few minutes away from her apartment, but he wanted to stretch it out, to take her on a trip that stretched for miles and miles.

Someday he'd ask her.

For now, their late night drives would do. Anything, just as long as it was with her, was enough.

Eventually, Robert reached Kristen's building, greeting the doorman as he accompanied a very drunk Kristen back to her place.

As they reached her floor, Robert scrambled for the keys inside Kristen's pockets.

"Don't touch me there. It tickles." She giggled.

"Kris, come on. Do you want to get into your apartment or not?"

Kristen slurs out her reply."You know what I want to get into?" She burst out into laughter, for some reason unfathomable to Robert. He sighed, finally getting the keys and opens the door to the apartment.

After bringing her things inside , he placed Kristen on the couch as he settled down beside her.

He noticed her goofy smile. She's probably still drunk, he decided.

"You're cute you know." She said, still smiling.

"Well thank you, but you're drunk so that doesn't count." He said, a faint smile trying to escape his lips.

"Yes, it does. Your stupid face is so cute, it's annoying." She pouted.

"Kristen, get some rest, okay. I'll get some water for you." He stood up and walked towards the fridge. As he rummaged for a cold glass of water, he overheard her still rambling on.

"You know what's the cutest? The way you call me love."

Robert froze as he heard her speak.


"You heard me, Pattinson. You called me love earlier!"

Robert walked back to her, handing her the glass of water.

"You heard that?" He exclaimed in surprise.

Kristen snorted. "I'm drunk, not stupid, Robert."

He sat back down, looked at her and never laid his eyes off her. Finally, Kristen laid her head on his shoulder, her eyes closed and her demeanor calm.

"Don't worry, Rob. The feeling is mutual." She hummed. "I may or may not remember this tomorrow, okay. Good night."

With a soft smile and a pounding heart, Robert caressed her hair, and gave her a gentle kiss on her head.

He was thankful.

Thankful that he was able to convince her to go out tonight, despite their busy schedules.

Thankful that she lost the bet, and she drank a few shots, but not too much that she lost consciousness.

Thankful that he decided to go to New York, out of all the places in the US that he could have gone to.

Thankful that he bumped into a girl on the corner of 5th and 24th that would change his life forever.

Thankful that their encounter would lead to him knowing the girl for 1 year, 4 months, 12 days and counting.

Thankful that the fates led him to her.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 28, 2017 ⏰

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