Chapter 2: Gangsters Under the City

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Back at the office, Mr. Kenjiro sends a call to the Professor and the two converse. "Yes, yes, of course everything is on me. You have nothing to worry about." said Heideki with a smerk. "Alright, I'm counting on you Heideki. The success of this project could be historical. We'll be rich beyond belief and go down in the history books." said Akira. "Right, of course! Anyways I'm going to let you get back to your work I have business matters to attend to." said Kenjiro before he said goodbye. The two hung up and went back to their work. "That Professor I swear, sometimes he's as wild as a wildebeast." Kenjiro said to himself. He packed his things and headed out of the NSA HQ. He pulls out his keys and starts towards his car. "That Shirazune, she seems like she could have a rougher side to her but she seems so sweet. I wonder what Akira thinks of her, I bet she likes traditional food." he thought to himself as he walked. He opened the car door and started the engine. As he pulled out of his spot he couldn't help but wonder to himself what they would find at Kujitake. He began driving away from the lot and out into the street. He had a sinister grin on his face as he drove further and further away from the building.

Kenjiro drove until he came across a warehouse down by the harbor. Trucks were unloading cargo and several men directed him to his spot right in front of a stairway. Kenjiro stopped the car after parking in front of the stairs. "Welcome back Boss! Glad to see you're back." said one of the grunts. "Thank you, and make sure they don't drop any of that cargo, it's incredibly valuable." Mr. Kenjiro said with a stern look. "Yes sir! Right away sir!" lead grunt Akito said as he returned to work nervously. Heideki walked up the stairs and unbuttoned his jacket cuff-lings as he did so. He continued climbing the stairs and went to his jacket buttons now. Kenjiro undid his tie before reaching the top and opened the door to the right of the stairway. He closed the door behind him and walked past the front desk. The lady at the front desk nervously said, "Welcome back Heideki, do you want anything?". "No thank you, I will let you know if I want coffee or anything of that sort when I wish." Mr. Kenjiro said. He walked through the doorway to the left of the front desk and headed down the hallway. At the end of the hallway lied an elevator which he took down. The elevator lead down to the base of his operations. This was where Heideki did his true work.

Heideki was not just some billionaire in a post-civil-war economically recovering country. He was a member of a Yakuza organization, and not just any member either. He was the leader of one of these organizations and inherited it from his father who was an Imperialist. His grandfather was the one who started the organization as a simple street gang many years ago, even before the war. The organization had humble beginnings in those days and was merely a group of pickpockets, thieves, and ex police officers who were looking for something more. The organization grew into a real power when his father took over as the head. With a fortune granted to him from the Imperialist government, as they ehlped the Imperialists takeover the country, his father had everything he needed to build a black-market trade organization in secret. His father had proposed to the Emperor, an organization that would make them money through weapons trading and other products. The Emperor was pleased with the idea and granted him the fortune he needed to start such a business. Heideki now owned the organization and had it renamed S.T.O.R.M (Secret Trade Organization Ruling Mankind).

The elevator came to a stop and the doors opened up to a large room. Heideki was now in his secret base that lied just beneath the warehouse. He walked from the elevator to his desk which was at the center of the room. He looked down and pressed a button which was hidden underneath a pencil holder. Suddenly a door on the far side of the room opened up and revealed a corridor. Heideki walked down the corridor and opened up the first door on his left. It was a closet where he placed his suit, tie, and pants on their respective hangars to be sent to the wash. Lying just underneath this suit and tie was his true, darker self. He wore a pair of purple padded pants, a purple shirt with a black vest that provided protection, and a watch that was for more than for telling time. Heideki, now in his full S.T.O.R.M gear exited the corridor and sat at his desk.

He turned on the computer at his desk and waited as it loaded. While it loaded, he began to conspire on his next move. He thought to himself, "That foolish Dr. if only she knew that I am the one pulling the strings, she thinks this is some mere scientific exploration trip. This is my chance to strike and find the source of the tachomytes. I will have the power needed to begin my expansion and progress into an empire." His computer now loaded up, he began to examine several files that were sent to him from engineering. The first was labelled "Project: TB" and was labelled as a weapons program. He opened the file and saw a design for a giant marvel of a machine. "A mecha hmmm..." he said in intrigue. "We'd have to get a fuel source for such a thing, nuclear energy could do but tachomytes provide even more power than that, and we don't have enough resources for that project just yet. I'll put this one on the backburner until further amounts of tachomytes are gained." He examined the next file. It was titled "Project: S.E.A. B.R.E.E.Z.E" and was also labelled as a weapons program. He opened the file and found the design for a weaponized satellite. "Interesting, an energy weapon that could be fired from space onto those who oppose us. We'd have to expand first and gain access to rocket-based tech, a fuel source is also required." he thought to himself. "I'll have to put that as a future project much like the mecha, I do like both of these designs, but they require a lot of resources each, and would have to be done in secret. I wonder what else engineering has up their sleeve" he continued. The last file was titled "Project: NEON" and was labeled as both a weapons project and a biological operations project. "This must be a bioweapon of sorts, what have you come up with Dr. Fukashima." he thought. The file was opened and contained a detailed report on the potential uses of X-G5. The mutagen was in high concentration near Mount Fujitake. S.T.O.R.M operatives could easily take control of mining operations there as well. The only ones who knew of the operations there was the science committee. "It'd be a win-win for S.T.O.R.M Hahaha" Heideki exclaimed with thrill. "We'd not only gain access to more of the mutagen but we gain access to the tachomytes as well." he said. He continued to read the report. The mutagen has been found to transform and mutate living creatures of all sorts. Its theorized that X-G5 can potentially create large behemoths, in which can be utilized as bio-weapons. Heideki immediately called Engineering after he finished reading the report. Dr. Fukashima answered the phone and said, "Yes boss?" Heideki replied, "Marvelous work doctor, I'm very pleased with your ideas. We will immediately begin Project: NEON, the other two need to be held off for now but I like them." "Thank you boss, I'll get a team of scientists together so we can make use of that research lab over at Fujitake." Fukashima said with appreciation. "I'll prepare a task force; we're taking over that damn mountain!" Heideki said with confidence. The two hung up and Heideki sat back in his chair with a sinister smile. He thought to himself, "Soon my organization will become an Empire!"

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