I'm Sorry - Chuck Taylor

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Hope you like it and sorry it's not longer

I was preparing for my tag match with Chuck when I noticed him walking down the hallway.

"Hey Oliver. Are you ready for our match?" Chuck asked. I just nodded and stood up. "Try not to do anything stupid, okay." I told him. "Awe, are you worried about me, Ollie?" Chuck asked.

"In your dreams. I just don't want to pick your ass off the floor, again." I said, smirking at him. He just smiled. To be honest, I really liked Chuck. I just didn't want to admit it.

"Oliver, Chuck, you two are on in five." A stagehand told us before running down the hallway. "Guess that's our cue." Chuck said, walking away. I followed behind him towards the curtain. This wasn't the first time I teamed up with Chuck so I knew the drill.

His music started and he went to the ring. I jumped up and down, relieving the built up nerves. I was always nervous before my matches. Don't know why. My music hit and I made my way to the ring. The match started off great. Tyler and Chuck started the match off.

Ashley cheered on Tyler and I cheered on Chuck. Chuck then tagged me in when Tyler tagged in Ashley. We made frequent tags throughout the match until I climbed into the ring to save Chuck from Ashley and he drop kicked me thinking I was Tyler. I rolled out of the ring and hit the floor. I laid there, trying to catch my breath.

"Ollie! Oliver, look at me." I heard him say. "Fuck off. Finish the match." I told him. "I want to make sure you're okay." I could hear the ref start the count.

"Get back into the ring, Chuck!" I yelled at him. He nods and beats the count by 4 seconds. I climbed back onto the ring apron and cheered on Chuck as he won the match.

The ref raised our hands and Chuck hugged me. He then helped me backstage and to my locker room. "I'm so sorry, Ollie. I didn't mean to drop kick you. I thought you were Tyler." Chuck rambles.

I smile at him being so flustered and genuinely worried about me. "Chuck, it's fine. I'm okay. I'm just banged up. No big deal." I said. "It is a big deal, Ollie! I could have seriously hurt you!" Chuck said.

"Well I know a way you can make it up to me." I said. "How?" He looked at me confused. "Date me and we'll call it even." I said. Chuck looked surprised. "Didn't think you felt the same way." He said. "You should communicate better." I said with a smile. He kisses my forehead.

*Three Months Later*
It had been three months since I started dating Chuck and life was perfect. We couldn't be happier. "Ollie, ready to go?" Chuck asked as he walks in the locker room. "Yeah. Where are we going tonight?" I asked. "Same place as usual." He said. I smiled and he took my bag and my hand and we headed out to the car. Like I said, life couldn't be more perfect.

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