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Name: Blade

Age: 14.

Appearance: Paleish skin, blank hair, thin body, and steely blue eyes.

Sexuality: Bisexual (leans more towards guys)

Backstory: When he was seven, he was kidnapped by Creation. Creation tried to kill him, but Blade's powers wouldn't allow it, so instead Creation claimed the young Blade as his own and carved a 'C' in the back of his neck with his hook. Blade's mother left when he was five and his father was always too busy to spend time with him so Blade ran away.

Likes: Rain, the ocean, and snow.

Dislikes: Creation and the Ignited Animatronics, fire, being alone

Other: Blade is half angel. Half Silver Angel to be exact. The Silver Angels are very powerful and can control different things. Blade is somewhat able to control the rain and snow, so he's drawn to things like the ocean. Hr loves to draw as well. He became Creation's pet.

(Tex-The-Bunny look! I made him an official oc!!! --Admin)

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