It's Not a bad thing ( Luke Hemmings)

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Jade's Pov 

It is a typical Monday, rain pouring. But that's Britain for you. It was 7:30 in the moring, i don't want to get up, but unfortunately i have to, but i am not going to complain as it is my last day in London. I'm moving to Australia tomorrow morning. 

I get up out of bed, i get in the shower letting the hot water run down my body. I wash my hair with some vanila shampoo, i got out of the shower and wraped a towel around my wet body. I lay out my clothes for what i'm going to wear to school, so i just settle on some, black skinny jeans, a white All Time Low top and just put my leather jacket on, as for my shoes i just went with some red converse. 

I went down stairs got some breakfast and grabbed my phone, i couldn't say bye to my mum as she leaves earlier than i do, it's her last day so she wanted to spend it with her work friends. I lock up and start walking to school. Well that's the proper name for it, i on the other hand call it hell. Sounds about right. 

I walk in to the school gates and immediately got swarmed by my friends

"Hey guys" I say really excited

" I can't believe you have to leave me here with these people". My best friend Poppy joked

"Hey i heard that poppy" Her boyfriend James laughs 

He walks over to Poppy and kisses her on the lips, so cute.

"Ugh guys lay off  the pda's (A/N Public display of affection for people who didn't know). Laughed Jake

Jake has been there for me since i could imagine, we've been friends for life. He is like a brother i've never had and i love him for that. 

"Guys, i don't want to leave you all, so can we like skip school and hang out somewhere else?" I ask

"But Jade, how can we escape now, we are already in school?" Poppy asked rather confused 

"Yeah but we right next to the gates, pluss no one will notice" I say

"Okay, but if we get caught, don't make me bring back someone who i don't want to" Jake said 

"Okay, but if we did who will you bring back?" i say curious

"The tickle monster" Jake laughed and we all just erupted into laughter and walked out of the gates. 

It was strange how we left un-noticed, nobody knew that we left the school, i feel so rebelious. 

"Where do we all wanna go?" Jake asked

"Starbucks?" i suggested. Obviously it was good suggestion as everyone started walking in that direction. 

Once we arrived at starbucks i orderd a caramel frappichino and everyone else got what they wanted. i didn't even realise i got a text from my mum telling me i had to be in at five  to sort the rest of the things out . 

it was an awesome time. I can't believe i have to leave these guys behind.

"Poppy, what time is it?"

"4:30, why?"  

" I have to leave, i didn't realise i got a text from my mum telling me to be in for 5, i really have to go" 

"You can all come round later if i have time, i will text you if you can" I quickly added. 

"Okay, bye love you!" they all shouted 

"Love you too!" i shouted back i'm really going to miss them.

"Oh shit, guys i have to go, i 

It's Not a bad thing ( Luke Hemmings)Where stories live. Discover now