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One day in Seoul has passed and Jimin and Hoseok were loving it; the bright lights and the whole 'social' feel to it illuminates the teenagers' souls.

"Good morning boys. I'm going to work now so be careful and write me a note if you're going out!" Hoseok's mother identically represented his grandmother; her aura is a caring and loving one. If auras were colours, his whole family would have pink/red smoke surrounding them.
"Will do! Have a great day at work!" They said together, bowing to Hoseok's grandmother and bidding her more goodbyes.

"Hoseok, your tattoo is a little," Jimin paused mid-sentence causing Hoseok to panic and hyperventilate a little.
"My tattoo? What about my fucking tattoo?! What's happened to it?!" Hoseok ripped off his shirt and ran to the room he was currently staying in. He stood before the towering mirror and examined his tattoo.
"I was going to say it was turquoise," Jimin shrugged nonchalantly. Their focus returned to Hoseok's abstract sun (as if it ever left the tattoo), half of it was on his neck and half of it was on his collarbone. They watched in fascination as the colour swiftly changed from a turquoise to a light grey (confusion) then to a lime colour. "Aw, your soulmate is concerned about youuu~ do you think their tattoo is somewhere they can see and witnessed the whole panic thing? That would be so cute!" Jimin fell back onto Hoseok's bed and sighed softly. "I can't wait to get my tattoo!" He beamed.
"I bet your tattoo will be of a teddy bear or something because you're so cute and cuddly!" Hoseok giggled whilst he tickled his best friend.

Half of the day passed as the teenagers stayed inside and played video games they found in a random box in Hoseok's grandmothers room. Jimin's eyes scanned the living room before spotting the clock; 3:18, it read.
"Hoseok," Jimin continuously patted his friend's arm until he replied.
"Let's go outside! Into the market! We can buy some stuff as souvenirs!" Jimin's smile was bright and genuine, how could Hoseok ever say no to that?
"Of course!"

The two got changed into some somewhat decent clothes or decent enough clothes to go out in public. As soon as they wrote a small note on the fridge and locked the door, they were in a trance. They've already seen all of this but it was too good to not admire again. The corner shops were all packed and being successful; the streets were full of different generations; the buildings, that stood triumphantly, held secrets from the past and present in the crevices between the bricks; the sound of chatter swirled in and around their ears, bringing stars to their eyes.

"Honestly, this is the best place ever," Jimin leaned over the small balcony in front of the house's front door and looked down at the people walking furiously through the crowd, dodging and swerving every other human they nearly come into contact with. "It's so beautiful, even in the afternoon!" They looked off just below the horizon line, noting how they like the distant sight. "Let's go!" Jimin grabbed Hoseok by the arm, dragging him down the multiple steps and into the street. Jimin didn't show any signs of letting go of Hoseok's forearm and continued making his way through the groups of people.
"Wanna go there?!" Hoseok questioned Jimin whilst pointing to an arcade, earning his attention. The latter stopped in his tracks and widened his eyes, causing Hoseok to become panicked for the second time that day.
"H-Hoseok," Jimin lowered his friend's shirt, allowing the dim white light shine onto Hoseok's well-structured jaw and highlight his face. "I-It's glowing! It's white! Your fucking soulmate is close!" Jimin was now freaking out. More than Hoseok. The older stood on his tiptoes and frantically looked around above the tops of people's heads. There were multiple doing the same; they were in the same situation: tattoos glowing, heart pounding.

Hoseok spent more than five minutes searching for his soulmate, ignoring Jimin's comments on how his 'tattoo was normal again' and continuing to move around rapidly in the crowded streets of Seoul. People were staring. People were probably thinking he was weird, but they weren't. Most of them had been in the same situation.

"I fucking lost them," Hoseok sobbed in Jimin's arms. "What if that was the only chance I had to meet them, Jimin?" His glossy eyes sent Jimin's heart spiralling down and smashing against a surface. "If I can't even find my soulmate, how will I fucking be able to do adult stuff? All I had to do was try and make eye contact with anyone who was glowing but no, I had to go an panic and do some random ass shit!" Hoseok slapped himself on the thighs and began punching them.

"Hoseok, please stop." Jimin's hand prevented Hoseok to punch himself. "You'll definitely meet your soulmate. It's fate, Hobi. Whether it be tomorrow, in a week, in a month, or in a year or two. You'll meet them. Please, just be patient and don't blame yourself. Maybe it wasn't the right time to meet them today," Jimin's reassuring words put Hoseok into a deep sleep; not because they were boring but because of how he gently he spoke them.

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