Day 103

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I thank GOD that today was a new turnaround for a better walk with CHRIST. Today i learnt that the secret envangelism tool is kindness. Not earthly kindness like opening the door for someone or giving out your spare pen. GODly Kindness. It goes deeper. Repentance comes as a result of GOD'S Kindness. Being kind is not being judgemental. It is behaving like our FATHER. This means encouraging people and correcting them when they do wrong. In my new school everyone was so nice. I thought, this must be kindness until yesterday i overheard something. Then i new not everyone is kind and there is a difference between kindness and being nice.
I also learnt that we must be close to JESUS, constantly surrounding ourselves with HIM and good company. Let our yes be yes and our no be no. Making oaths is a sign of weakness of integrity because we are not GOD.
LORD GOD, please forgive me and let me walk more closely with YOU so that i do not back slide. Let me bear the FRUITS OF THE SPIRIT and please give me kindness and love so that i can bring glory to YOUR KINGDOM and more people to YOU. I am sorry. In JESUS ALMIGHTY KIND NAME I pray. Amen.

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