Something Isn't Right (OLD VERSION)

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    Darrel kept on apologizing that morning boy I tell you that boy can rock some cut up jeans. But he knew I had forgiven him, but it was still nice that he felt the need to keep apologizing to make sure I understood he meant it. I am still quiet convinced he was lying though. The day went on like normal that is until Mila meant Reebe lunch.

    After Bio-lab is lunch and guess who was following me guess it West and crew. While walking in the hall I heard the thing aka Mila even though I love her, she irks me, to the core. “Yo Katty !” Oh great, here we go I smiled at her “Hey lover wassup,” I meant her half way and for once that day they didn't follow after me. “Nothing good looking just was looking for you I have something I wanna tell you.” While in the middle of her telling me something which wasn't really important in my book, something about a boy she was seeing, she paused and looked towards West and the others and just stared. I turned and realized they had moved closer now. The air between specifically Reebe and Mila were causing the weird air, to become even thicker. As in the tension between them was unbearable.
        It was like they were talking to each other without actually talking, you know how in books the werewolves can talk through a uh mindlink or whatever. Well from the look in there eyes it would be an intense conversation . Mind you, Reebe has never even spoken to me which I'm not upset about but just looking at her eyes now seems to me she has quiet a lot to say. The silence and staring contest remain until Reebe's brother whispered something in her ear and the staring just stopped but then she spoke ,as in me. “Katherine I don't mean to interrupt this little meeting here but I'm pretty hungry and I still do not know where everything is,like the lunch room, so can we like go.” Even though she was talking to me she was looking pretty hard at Mila. And something in my gut is telling me that this isn't right. But on the other hand she was right I myself was pretty hungry. “You're right Reebe let's go everyone I'm hungry too,” everyone nodded in agreement and started walking towards the lunch room but not before I heard Reebe whisper “Call me Nadia.” When we got close to our table I seen who I'm praying is the real Darrel because I don't have time for this shit....

Darrel's POV

(From Yesterday)

I'm beyond pissed, like fuck why did the dumb ass have to go kiss her for it was truly unnecessary. I mean fuck now when he or I sees Drew we have to ware the same shit with the same eye color so she doesn't suspect anything. Why do I have to play nice to the bitch I don't care for her. I mean she could get hit by a car and I would laugh in her face while she's dying. Man I think I need to take a break from this nice guy shit I'm tired of being something I will NEVER be. In all honesty it's pissed me off to the point of no return to be nice. I can't wait until she remembers who I really am it will make the hell I'm going to give her so much more fun and remembered for years to come. And now that I think about it I'm gonna call the dumb fuck and tell him he's gonna go to that horrid little school tomorrow before I completely snap on that bitch or ... both of 'em.

Drew POV Continued

    “Hey Relly Rel,” I knows he hates that name but how can I resist. And I know its him because he used our secret ‘I know it's truly you word’ while no one was looking or listening. “Kat you know damn well I hate that name just like you hate the name Drew.” So true, “I love you too,” I cooed. “You better I mean how could you not look at this face speaking of face who are these guys oh and wassup Mila.” The look in his eyes when he said hey to Mila was kind of suspicious but Mila's eyes widen and for once she spoke back without sarcasm. “Oh these are well I guess you could say my new friends Danielle, West, Nadia and Adrian guys this is my friend Darrel.”  I don't know if it's a little thing they do but now all four of 'em were having the worlds most serious and terrifying stare off with Darrel. Man I'm telling you something ain't right here like really.
     ‘Naw really dippy you just now figuring it out I mean because it was so hard to see before right.Is there a way to kill you conscious because mines a bitch. ‘Thanks lover.’ This stare off lasted much longer than the one Nadia and Mila had. I had to speak up “Uh guys I don't know what's happening or going on for that matter with the whole stare off contest and nor do I care but uh can you all just stop.” I basically shouted and commanded them to do so and as if by magic they all looked at me. Oddly enough it looked as if West was about to bow his head. He had caught himself before hand  but still it was weird but it got a chuckle from me so I won't even comment on it.
            But , lunch so weird but after that ,the day carried on without any problems lucky me. At home the eyes continued to watch me but I have gotten so use to it that it barely bothers me any more. I take my shower and hop in bed about to drift off to sleep before I'm woken up by my phone. I check to see the number but it's blocked...creep life much but I still answer.

“Everything you think you know is a lie. You need to learn who is true and who is evil in hiding. Watch your back never take what you see or think you hear for granted. The one you just meet could save your life, while the ones you've known what seems like forever will push you deeper in to the flames so beware ...and listen.

     Before I could ask who they were they said, "No worries I will always be friend" and then hung up. Then the weirdest thing was my phone cut off and when it cut back on I checked the call log but the phone call wasn't there but a message was the read: Be prepared the worst is to come on your "birthday." I looked at the message the word birthday was in quotes. My stomach and conscious both know that something really isn't right now. I just hope they are wrong but deep down I know they're not and that the worst is yet to come.

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