introduction to me Logan Paul

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I should just start off by saying this I am a daily vlogger. Now you're probably  like" logan what's a daily vlogger ?" Well I'm glad you ask that because just check it out

Oh and while you're there go to for my merch nah I'm just kidding  but no buy some anyway Ummmm where was I ahh yes a daily vlogger  is some one who takes a camera around and records most of their life but I vlog about 80% of my life but look me up on you tube @loganpaul and while your there subscribe. Listen I know I'm cocky and all that jazz but hey when you hit 12 million subscribers in less that 12 months it goes to your head a little bit okay .Okay so heres a little bit about me I call my fans/subscribers the LOGANG  and I love them a lot and just in case  you're wondering  I live in Las Angeles , California  by the way  I have a brother named @jakepaul ,my parents are Greg paul and Pamela Stepnick( they are divorced btw)and I have a roomate named Evan aka (dwarfmamba)and you should go check him out (btw he told me to say all that) I was born in Westlake,Ohio  and I know this story may not be the best but I'm trying  to vlog about 80 % of my life over here so gimme a break any ways that's enough about me let's get onto the vlog I mean story


     I know it's horrible but it's my first book and I swear it will get better as I learn more about actually writing an actual book

  If you didn't like this chapter please keep reading it will get better as I go but do me a favor and comment what you think but not on this chapter I just wanted to finally publish some thing and get something of my own put out there I might not update for a while because my Internet really sucks where I live

       And finally that you for taking the time out of your day to read this there is so many more books out there that are  1000% better than this book but yet you chose to read this thing that I don't even know what to call it besides it's own thing


And if you're reading this why are you still reading this little white vanilla bean is outttt byeeeeeeee 

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