After i told Chandler the answer too his question. He introduced me to his beta/twin brother Chase his Ashleigh mate. We sat down and started to get to know each other.
After awhile i ended up sitting on his lap. We talk somemore it started to get datk but i dont think we even notice i started to shake alittle bit. Chandler gabe me his sweater to wear which i didnt know he had on him.
i put on.the sweater it was so comfortable to wear and it smelt like.him yum. " Dani Guzzo get your ass home and Ashleigh. Shit i cant believe we lost track of time.
"Ash we gotta go or are parents gonna kill us" i said to Ashleigh with lillte bit of saddness in voice i didnt want to leave Chandler. I bent down and gabe Chandler a passionate kiss.
"Dani lets go before we get in even more trouble"
"im coming" i shouted back to her i started to walk away turned around and stole a last glance.
Me and Ashleigh walking by are self home. I feel sad knowing my mate not with me. I felt a hand grab me i know.who it cause i felt sparks go throigh my arm i turned around to a smiling Chandler." I cant let my sweet cherry walk home by her the dark. Chandler said with a cocky smile. "me either" chase said outloud. Chandler grabbed my hand and.we started to walk together silently. When we got in the view of my house i see my bothers and dad talking to Ashleigh parents. When my brother Daniel saw me he point towards me dad. My brothers and Ashleigh comes up and growl at our mates. " why the flying fuck are you too with my sisters."
" Dani why the fuck are you wearing this guy shirt i always knew you were a sult." Justin said to me
What type of brother says that to.there sister. No Justin didnt mean that he can't im his little sister. " you know good ulgy ass bitch who sleeps with anybody your nothing but a slut!!!" Tears started running down my eyes how could my own brother my fresh and blood say those words to me.
I think what Justin just said to me made him get anger. With tears still running down my face i look.through my tears and i saw Chandler holding my brother by the neck. I heard him yell " DON'T EVER SAY THOSE WORDS TO MY FUCKING MATE". Chandler yelled in my brothers face. " Dani do something his gonna kill your brother" Ashleigh said to me.
I ran over to Chandler place my hand on his his shoulder he looked at me and calm down. He let go of my brother and hugged me i felt safe in his arms. My mom ran over to me and gave be the huggest huge ever "my baby found her mate" my mom said with tears running down her face now. Jistin came up to me with regret in his eyes. " Dani im sorry for what i said tobyou please for give me. I dont know what came over me i just snapped. " i will NEVER forgive you i didnt even get to explain to.yoi who he was you fucking jackass i will never FORGIVE YOU OR BE YOUR SISTER im DONE with you just DONE!!!!" I said without trying to even hide the pain in my voice.

You cheated now im leaving you
WerewolfDani Guzzo Is a shy girl, funny, and sweet but when she meets her mate he made her come out of her shell. she 15 yrs old brown hair and has grey eyes with blue specs in her eyes 5'1. what happens when she see her mate for who he really is a cheater...