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Love set my soul on fire. 

I always considered myself to be a grounded, pragmatic individual, so when I thought you could completely change my life and fix me because it felt like glitter was exploding inside of me every time you talked to me, I should have stopped myself. You could not fix me. I was so young, but I should have known. 

The way you made me feel is something that, years later, I still have not been able to replicate in any relationship. Maybe it's because I knew I was destroying myself and I won't let myself do that anymore. Maybe it's because you're the first person I ever truly loved with my whole being. You took a part of me, and that is okay. I gave you that part of me willingly, but I wonder who I would be today if I had never done so. Would I still flinch when anyone tries to touch me? Would I still run away when people get too close? Would I still be so deathly afraid of myself and what I am capable of?

I fed off of you for too long and you took advantage of that. I thought I needed you to live. I did not. 

I don't know if I am grateful for you, or if you were the worst decision I've ever made.

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