Chapter 21

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When Anna, Jane, Cody, Debbie, Bruce, and Ray left the hospital Carol came into Zurie's room. "You did get my message earlier today right?" "Yes. I didn't tell them that Tommy is here." "Thank goodness my magic worked to send a message to you." "That was impressive too. Any way what are you going to do?" "Tomorrow I'll tell, but you trust me right?" "Yes." "If you excuse me I need to talk to Tommy. Don't worry I'll have a protective shield around me." "Ok. If you need anything send a message." "I know. Good night Mrs. Collins." "You as well Miss. Walker."

"You don't need to knock after all I overheard. What do you need to talk about, is it my punishment?" "I know you don't trust me, but I have an idea on how you might understand me. Maybe." "What are you going to do?!" "Nothing bad. Good night." That night Zurie gave Tommy a dream, but not just that Zurie kept Tommy a sleep until the dream was finished.

Once morning came Tommy got out of bed, unlocked the door to go talk to Zurie who was waiting for him. "Yes I was waiting for you and yes I do have that thought bubble above you. It'll be easy to talk don't you think?" Tommy agreed and started thinking about his dream. "I gave you that dream last night and I kept you asleep until it finished." "What! Why?" "Yesterday I said if we had separate roles, that is why I gave you that dream." "A dream of being killed and attacked?!" "Yes. As I said separate roles, so I was one of your ancestors while you were mine and then you being me and me being you." "So in short you first killed and then later attacked me." "Yes. No it wasn't a punishment I thought maybe you can understand me somehow if our roles was switched."

Before Tommy could say anything Ray came running in for he heard Zurie talking to herself and saw Tommy sitting across from Zurie. Ray nearly punched Tommy, but instead hit Zurie's protective shield. "Ray calm down." "But!" "Is everyone here?" "Yeah." After putting a thought bubble above everyone's head Zurie saw concerned, worried, and angry they were. "Would you all relax and calm down. Tommy and I talked yesterday before you guys arrived, today he wanted to talk about a dream he had last night." Zurie saw that they all were still worried, but curious now. "Last night I gave him a dream where our roles were switched. He was me and I was him. I think Tommy understands now." "I still want the curse completely gone, but I also understand Zurie's decision." "Tommy don't say that last part I want show you something. Debbie, Ray, and Mr. Young." They all nodded and came forward. "The memories in video mode started from Ray, Debbie, and then Mr. Young. "Uh-" "I asked them in their thought bubbles. So then lets begin."

"Why is Ray avoiding you?" Asked both Tommy and Debbie. "Don't you mean was?.. You'll see in Mr. Young's memory. Debbie." "Ok." Everyone just stood gaping at Debbie both in memory and the person in front of them. "Why did you show us Debbie pouring a bucket of water on you and locking you in a closet?" "Tommy we're not done watching the memory video. Mr. Young." "Of course." While another wave Zurie showed another memory; picking up where Debbie left to when Ray arrived and left leaving Zurie in Mr. Young's closet. "So why show me or us all this? And you didn't answer Debbie or my question earlier about Ray avoiding you." "In Mr. Young's memory was the answer to Ray's avoidance.. He found out I am the descendant or witch to possibly break the curse, at the time I didn't know about my past until my father sent ciphered letters to me. That night Debbie poured water on me, I went to show them the letters. Mr. Young may I show them again?" "Of course Miss. Walker." Zurie played the memory again and then paused it, "see I placed those letters on top of his closet." Zurie went to another memory to show how Mr. Young found those letters. "So Ray was avoiding ya cause he was mad or angry at you." "That's right." "But why show us these memories?" "Tommy when I stopped you earlier from saying that part I wanted to show those memories and now." "But I." "I know." "It's not exactly the same as saying it." "I know that, but I can see how you feel." "Can I ask why or how did you forgive them.. Or even me?" "I try to be a forgiving person. I saw how they felt and if you don't forgive you'll carry it around." "I understand, but-" "I'm glad I'm friends with all of them, I don't regret it. Even us we'll become friends, but earning my trust is going to be something. Not impossible, but hard."

Tommy started tearing up, apologizing over and over. Once Tommy calmed down he said "maybe if I-" "No don't tell them. They'll think you're crazy; I'll tell Polly and Steven myself sometime in the future. Well now I'll lift the curse completely." "Why?" "Tommy I didn't exactly keep my promise that day awhile back, if something happens and people see your family or one of your family members your family will be in danger by scientist and the government. I'll say this I'll keep a close eye on your family." "That's true, but having this curse is something to help us realize things, our mistakes. I don't care about that promise or this curse, so return that curse to the way it was when your grandmother or relative put it on us." No one expected Tommy to say that not even in a dream. "Tommy I want protect and keep your family safe. If I kept to my promise-" "If you did I would of left and wouldn't be your friend now or even accept the curse." "I still want take it off and I will.. Don't worry about my arm, it's healed." "There's a scar?" "True. A reminder for me about seeing the future, changing it or to never it happen." "You knew about me and what I-I" "Yes I did. I made a plan so it wasn't that bad, but I'm so glad I didn't say anything or stop you because if I did we wouldn't trying to be friends." " Yeah I guess so...So you're going to take the curse off??" "Completely, but I'll still watch your family closely even inn twenty years I'll still watch. Tell your family."

Zurie then said the spell, lifting the curse completely; Zurie went back to college after lifting the curse and Tommy tried his best to earn Zurie's trust. Although Zurie knew how Ray felt she waited for his confession which was a month later, Zurie who also accepted Ray's feelings and started dating.

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