Hurricane Harvey

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Davids POV -

Liza was hanging out with Gabbie for the day so I decided to go over to the boys place to get some vlog footage. When I got there we shot a couple of scenes until we had this idea that we needed some more people for. The boys and I decided to text the group chat to see if some people could come and we could film the bit.

Group Chat!

David: hey guys we need to film a bit anyone want to come over to the boys???

Gabbie: is it dangerous in anyway?

David: nope

Liza: Gabbie and I will be there babe x

David: sweet can anyone else?

Kristen: I'm already there!

Todd: we know 😂

Corinna: I'll come

David: OKAY! And anyone else who can be here at 1:00pm.

Liza: cool beans


"Okay we have some girls coming." I say to the boys and Kristen. "Go get swimmers on. We're having a pool party!"

~ 3 hours later ~

Everyone had dried off and I had gotten enough footage for my Monday Vlog so we were all sitting on the couch.
"Soooooo..." Gabbie said awkwardly
"What do you want to do?" Zane asked
"How about we watch tv?"
"Sure sounds fun!"

Jason went to go pick up the remote and as he did he turned on the TV. The news was on.



Everyone's eyes including mine darted to Liza as we all saw her face drop. We all watched as she stood up at sobbed "I need to go see my family, I need to fly to Houston."
"What?!?" Gabbie exclaimed "No! Girl your gonna die"
"I need to make sure they're okay."
"No, Liza, baby, you can't go you need to stay safe and in an airplane flying into a hurricane is not the way to do that." Heath said softly

Despite all of our friends trying to talk Liza out of it she headed to the door and I got up quickly running over to her. "Liza"
"I need to save them" she said ignoring me
"They need to be safe"
"I need to go!"
"ELIZABETH!" She went silent as did everyone else in the room. No one ever calls her Elizabeth unless it's serious and I'm pretty sure this is serious.

"Liza, listen to me baby. Your family might be okay. And chances are they got evacuated before the hurricane even hit Texas. But - they won't be okay if they come out of this alive finding out that you died trying to save them. You need to stay here and you need to stay safe for them. Call them if you want to. But babe, if anything happens to you cause you decided to do something stupid and your family was okay. They, me, all of us would feel even worse. So please stay put. Please Liza. Can you do that for me?"

Liza nodded as she burst out crying and collapsed in my arms. My shirt was getting all wet but I didn't care cause my girl was gonna stay safe. I faintly heard Gabbie say to zane "now that's goals" and just smirked and started rubbing my hand on Lizas back to comfort her.
"Thank you" she whispered in my ear and I just replied by kissing her forehead and saying "no problem pooks. I love you"
"I love you too"

Hey guys hoped you liked my first oneshot! I'm at writing the next one so it should be up soon. I have no specific schedule for the one shots in this book. So I am just letting you know that I'll update whenever I can!

Author x

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