day 1

36 3 3

I stood outside of the audition room. My eyes never leaving the group of skinny girls, beauty was everything. Not talent. Why did i expect? Why did i think that i could somehow get in?

It was all thrown away when they announced it. "Those under 48kg are accepted in the entertainment. Those who aren't please leave. Come back with the accepted weight."

I am 57kg at the moment and honestly its acceptable for my height. 166cm. No? Okay then. I sighed as i walked away from the skinny, fake girls that were accepted.

My dream has been shattered, and honestly that small hope i had. Vanished without a single trace. I have no way of getting back up. Im not strong, i didn't want to know the outcome either.

"Hey~ Chorong did you get in?" That bitch. "I bet you didn't, look at you. That extra fat around you. Ugh it disgust me." I could only clenched my fist tightly. I didn't want to make a scene out of this.

Yes, they got in. A trainee, so what? That doesn't mean.. i... maybe not, maybe i won't even be one.

I could only walk away from the group of plastic barbies, before i get intoxicated by them.

I will lose that extra weight and come back.


I started my morning run, honestly i never had an A for my 2.4km and i wasn't the worst. But it has been so long since then.

I plugged in my earphones before jogging around the track. I smiled as the song played. Ah~ such music to the ears.

I was unaware of my surroundings, only to be absorbed by the music. I suddenly felt soaked. It must be them.

"Omg, unnie... did you see her expression?! Its priceless!" One of them laughed out loud. I kept my phone and earphones quickly, almost immediately.

The cold breeze hit my skin. I was soaking wet. Why did i come to the school to jog? I should have went to the park. I regret my decision.

Honestly i was so. Close. To. Slapping. Them. But im getting held back by this negative feeling. Yah their right, im not skinny, im fat, im not pretty and i won't ever shine on stage. They are right but a part of me says otherwise.

I just breathed in deeply and walked away from the booing crowd. Wow, such supportive people.

I was almost done with my run and they had to ruin it. I walked into school and it made it worse. My nose was sneezing non-stop and i kept on shivering. Stupid, why do they always on the air-conditioner at the wrong timing?

I dragged myself to the lockers to get a new pair of clothing and closed it with loud slam. Honestly, im starting to doubt myself as a whole. Easier said to be done if i am going to lose 9kg in at least a month or so.

I halted when i saw the only guy that could make my heart flutter. Park Jimin. I could feel myself blushing profusely as he walked in the school with a bright smile and his group of friends around him, just makes me shine even more.

He turned to my direction and i was in total shock, because i was not in top condition but he smiled. He smiled at me. At me, Lee Chorong.

I smiled back at him and proceeded to the ladies' changing room.


"Morning kids" , "good morning Mr Lee" we greeted and sat down afterwards. The chairs dragged against the floor filled the room's silence.

"We have a new kid joining us, he just came back from his exchange programme in US." , he walked in and he was very attractive. "Im Kim Seokjin, nice to meet everyone of you. I hope i could get along with everyone." He introduced himself.

"Okay sit beside Lee Chorong. Please raise your hand Chorong." Mr Lee said and i raised my hand. I could only feel nervous. Eyes glued to the back of the class, following his every step. I could see the eyes of envy, jealous that he sat beside me? Well try your luck bitches.

He was silent for a few minutes, not till the teacher let us have our self-study time.

"Yo, im Seokjin. Nice to meet you Chorong." He said in a cool tone. His fingers weren't straight when he was trying to wave.

"Hello Seokjin, im Chorong." I replied, he chuckled at me and i could only feel the stares burning through me. It was getting chilly in the classroom.

The tension between the two of us was only filled with awkwardness. Neither of us initiated a conversation and i decided to keep it that way.

"Okay, class is dismissed." Mr Lee said and we all dispersed. "Oh Ms. Chorong if you are kind enough do show Seokjin around." , "yes Mr Lee"

Seokjin then followed behind and i just started to get ready for lunch but somehow, i didn't have the appetite today. I don't want to gain weight.

"We should go to the cafeteria," i tried initiating a conversation and he just gave me a small smile, shit don't do weird flips now.

We got a table and ordered our food. I ordered a cup of water and sipped it slowly. Across our table was Jimin's group of friends. Seokjin would really fit in there but his a really awkward guy.

"Your not eating?" I was snapped out of my thought. "No. I don't feel like it." I grumbled like an old lady. But i felt like he could see through the lie.

"Yes you do want to eat." He fed himself another spoon of rice and i could only look down at my huge thighs. "No it's fine. I really don't feel like it." He only kept silent and continued enjoying his meal.

"Im going to order more food." He took his tray with him and i just smiled and gave him the ok sign. I found my eyes wandering off to Jimin's table again.

How he laughs with his group of friends. That fantasy of mine didn't last long. "Omo! Can you look at that? Its that pig again. She must be a loner" its true i don't have friends. Their nasty comment are slowly getting to me. Its leaving a hole in my heart.

"I think you guys are the pigs." Jin said nonchalantly as he sat down sassily. Welps, drama better grab popcorn.

"Ugh, im hurt! How dare you call me a pig?", "look at you. Dressed like a slut and what about your over decorated face? Its like a pigs' " oh shitz going down.

I held my laughter in as i saw their face turning into frowns. Jin is such good roaster.

"Tsk, let's go girls. No point fighting Jin oppa." Ew. Did they just call him oppa? Jin could only choke on his food by how their voices are laced with 'sweetness'.

"Thanks Jin! I didn't know you could be such a king at clapbacks." I laughed and he could only stare at me wide-eyed.

"Its nothing." I opened my eyes again and saw Jimin and his friends looking our way. Shit. Did he see me? Did he see the fight?

They all turned back to each other and started talking and i could only let out a sigh of relief.

"Eattt~" Seokjin suddenly sang, causing me to smile. I really didn't want to, i wanted to prove those sluts wrong but for Seokjin's sake i will eat infront of him. I don't want to burden him.


A/N: i cannot believe that i am writing a new story at this time of the month because i have end of year exams and im so not ready!!!

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