Yep,still alive :) I'm really sorry that I abandoned this story like a 5 year old crying toddler,
but I always had something coming up , you know .. school .. friends.. parents.. though I always find a moment for some reading, I'm usually too tired or too lazy to write something. But don't worry I always find time for this ! :-) Thank you for the continuing support !
Let's hope this chapter will make it up for the long wait ;-)
About this chapter: I don't really know why , but I just feel better and happier when I write in the point of a third person , so from now on it won't be Ari's or Ian's POV, but maybe in some later chapters I'll need you to see their thoughts too. :))
Disclaimer: Owning the beautiful Ari , Julie, Rosie .. and any other character you don't recognize :P
When the time came Ari was ready to go; well she didn't know where yet. One thing she was sure about was that she's looking smokin' hot! she chuckled while looking in the mirror , she never ever in her life thought she'll say this but; she was ready for her date with Ed ohmygosh Westwick! she giggled.
Suddenly a knock on her door interrupted her happy thoughts ," Come in." she replied turning over but taking one more glance at herself.
The door opened and her mom stepped in ,"Wow.. you sure look good for a thanksgiving dinner at your friend's house." she narrowed her eyes and crossed lightly her arms.
Ari had already everything planned out ," Well Yeah , but I was thinking maybe we go to the carnival that's not so far away from their street , you know to help her forget about Jack." she sighed.
Julie confusedly shook her head ,"Wasn't the guy's name Dan ?"
Ari swore loudly in her head ," Um .. oh yes .. you know it's Jack Daniel .. his name.. I mean.. his second name is Dan as in Daniel." she stopped herself 'why is my Mother the one whose memory is better than Sheldon Coopers?'
"Okay, I got it. But if you'll go to that carnival .. be safe." she smiled at her while kissing her cheek and leaving the room.
Ari sighed loudly ,"Well that was close." and jumped back on her bed.
Ian on the other hand was working his ass off . Even at thanksgiving , eh .. he loves his fans anyway.
"Sweetheart where's my Nina?" Once he and Nina's mom were in the car back to their mansion she asked him with a thick Bulgarian accent.
"She's um.. I think she went for the supplies for the pizza , we're making a lot of them tonight." he smiled at her .
She nodded ,"Well I suppose it's all worth it .. but lemme tell you as soon as the media 's off I'm gonna make those little kids pay for it." she crossed her arms looking out of the window.
Ian just shook his head unpleasantly; out of nowhere he saw a silver Ford going on the opposite side .. wasn't that car Ed's ? He leaned in a little more ; and there he was .. but he was alone . Weird.. he head a feeling Ari was with him. And he had a feeling also that it wouldn't end good.
"God, That was close again!" Ari breathed out once she was back from the backside and at the passenger seat beside Ed.
He just smiled ,"Well if I saw it right , he hasnt noticed you ." she nodded.
He looked at her once more and couldn't help but admire her ,"Let me tell you Ari .. you look quite charming."
Ari smirked ,"I think the word you were gonna say was .. hot .. or sexy as hell ."
He smirked back ,"Yes indeed."
She laughed ,"So tell me.. where are you taking me?"
He shook his head ,"Nope .. just wait and you'll see."
Ari sighed ," I would say I hate surprises .. but then I'd lie ." she smiled and looked out of the window.
Love you guys very much , Ari

Unexpected Uncle
HumorAriana katherinson is your typical 16 year old girl who has a major obsession with the ultimate vampire of all times, Ian Somerhalder. :Ian Somerhalder , is..... do i really have to descrive him ? you guys already know who he is and if you dont...