taking judas to class

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AN: so it's been a while since I updated this story xD I do have Most of the next chapter figured out as well.


Katie’s POV


I broke out of Judas' grip and walked into mine and Hannah's room, the others following behind me. Erik,James and Judas all plopped down on the couch while Hannah ran into the kitchen, returning with a towel which she tossed to me. Jackie was standing by the door just observing us all. I put the towel up to my nose, trying to stop the bleeding.

"Why are you guys sitting on my couch? Don't you have your own room you guys can go to?" I questioned glaring at the three men sitting on my couch. Erik sighed and stood up walking through the door, the others following closely behind. Hannah immediately dive bombed for the couch and laid down.

"We got class in twenty minutes take a nap if ya want to sis." She commented before making herself comfortable.

"Well I had planned on doing that on the couch but nah that’s all cool you can sit there instead." I grumbled as I headed towards my bedroom. I flung myself onto my bed and rolled over onto my side, pulling my blankets up to cover my head.

I didn't like the concept of sleeping with my appearance altering bracelet on, but given I didn't know the extent of my facial injuries I didn't want to risk making them worse by removing it.

After a couple of minutes of just lying there I finally fell asleep.


I woke up to my sister banging on my door. For the first time in a long time I had gotten a peaceful sleep, even if it was only for about fifteen minutes.

"Yo Katie time for class!!" She shouted banging on the door a few more times.

"I'm up!!!" I shouted back and got out of bed. I quickly made my way out of my bedroom and left our room. I made my way down to Erik's room and knocked on the door. The door was answered by Erik.

"Damn! Your nose still looks like shit! Do you think Enrique broke it?" Erik questioned as the others came to the door.

"He better not have, or we are gonna have a fucking problem." I growled as they exited the room.

“You could always just try to reset it so it will heal correctly. I mean if it hasn’t already healed.” Erik suggested, gesturing towards my nose.

“I’ll try that once we get down to the gym.” I responded, lightly touching my nose. There was a good chance I’d be able to fix it.

"So we are going to class now?" Judas questioned.

"Yeah, I'm pretty sure Dominic is teaching all the underclassmen new combat skills. It's all stuff the rest of us know, he just likes us there for example." James explained as we made our way down to the main gymnasium.

Once we made it to the gymnasium I glanced around, finding enough open seats. I lead the way to the seats and sat down. The person to my right chuckled lightly, “ Broken nose love?” He questioned.

“ Casualty from my little brawl with Enrique. Nose still big Desmond?” I questioned in response with a chuckle.

Desmond rolled his eyes with a chuckle. “ Speaking of your little brawl, as much as I love the fact you kick Enrique’s ass constantly can you like not? It gets annoying when he sends Vlad to me expecting me to do something about it. En can’t seem to comprehend that just because I’m vampire royalty does not mean I can make everyone do what I want them to.”

Judas who for the most part had been sitting beside me quietly tapped me lightly and sent me a questioning glance.

“ Des is a pureblood vampire, born from pureblood vampires. It technically makes him royalty to most of the vampire community, given born vampires are a rare occurrence” I explained.

“Now that you know that information, just forget it. I hate when people treat me like I’m royalty, It’s why I left Britain.” Desmond stated with a grin.

“Anyways… Des can you do me a favor and snap this back into place for me? I don’t really want to ask Dominic to do it.” I questioned, gesturing to my nose.

“Sure thing love.” He responded turning my face towards him. He grabbed my nose lightly and counted down to three before snapping it back into place.  

“Thanks babe.” I responded with a slight hiss, rubbing my nose. It now began to heal faster given it was set properly.

“Not a problem.” Desmond responded as Dominic made his way to the center of the gym floor.

“Attention students! Today we will be going over some of our more advanced combat skills, along with some various tricks and skills that can be useful.” He announced as a hush fell over the room.

“Now this segment for training will seem strange, given the way it works. It was developed by one of our upperclassmen. Katie will you please come down here?” he questioned, looking around the room. I quickly hopped up from my seat and made my way down to him.

“ Now Katie here is the person who created this segment of training. She’s quite the fan of music you see, and just like some of the members at gyms she decided to learn and train her combat skills to music. “ Dominic explained gesturing towards me, while putting his other arm around my waist. I chuckled lightly and mimicked his gestures, doing the same.

“ Now one quick thing besides that, one of the few tricks and skills that I wanted to teach was slight of hand, aka pickpocketing in this case.” He stated and removed his hand from my back, now gesturing to my ipod which was in his hand.

“Sometimes the best thing to do when it comes to that is misdirection, while everyone was busy watching me motioning with my hand nobody noticed me pull this out of her hoodie pocket.” he continued.

I rolled my eyes and quickly reached into his back pocket while he was busy explaining himself, grabbing his wallet and phone. I put his phone in my back pocket and  quickly opened his wallet and glanced inside noticing a few dollars and a few condoms.

“You planning on getting some Dom?” I questioned aloud with a snort, waving his open wallet in the air.

“I-I Give me that!!” He exclaimed and snatched his wallet from me.

“Now that he’s embarrassed let's move on to the real deal. My combat training. Today we will be using the music from Dom’s phone which I also have in my possession. We will put said music on shuffle. The goal of this training is fall into the rhythm of the music and use it to your advantage or your opponent's disadvantage. Now I know what you are thinking, ‘ But Katie music won’t be playing in real life if we get into a real fight.’ and you’re right. However, that doesn’t stop you from imagining the song in your head and using it to your advantage.” I explained aloud, a look of shock once again crossing Dominic’s face at the mention of his phone.

“I’ll also start this off with a demonstration, so no worries kids. Desmond, be a dear and come be my partner.” I stated, glancing around the room. I would have called on Enrique to come down but I wasn’t able to spot him.

Desmond made his way down and stood besides me.

“Now another thing before we start this demonstration. Look at the two of us, what are my advantages against him? What are his against me? Always size up your opponent if possible. Use anything you can to your advantage.” I added, before pulling Dominic’s phone out of my back pocket. I quickly Unlocked it, typing the number of his childhood address and went to the music. I hit shuffle and grinned to myself.  This was going to be good.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 15, 2015 ⏰

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