A fresh start

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Chapter.2 A fresh start

My lungs ached to scream but no noise would come out. I couldn’t pull enough air in to let it all go in the one noise that would probably save my life. Instead I just had to live with the soundless cries as I continued on my everlasting sprint.

In a situation like this you always imagine that adrenaline will keep you running for miles without fault, those thoughts were very, very wrong in my situation. I doubted that I even run a mile yet and my knees already felt like they were going to give out beneath me. It was like balancing on jelly.

I’d ditched my shoes a few feet back in hopes that my speed would increase now that I was no longer worrying about keeping the damn things on my feet, he still gained on me though. Close enough that I could feel his warm breath brushing the back of my neck.

I tried to push my feet faster but it was to no avail, I’d already reached my maximum speed there was no faster than this. And he kept gaining speed like the world wanted the odds to be in his favour. Like this cruel reality wanted him to come out on top.

I could feel his hands reaching out for me, just grazing the fabric on my shirt before I speed up and tried to move faster.

Keep moving; keep moving I chanted over and over again hoping that with some luck my body would discover some sort of hidden speed and race out of here like a rocket.

“No!” Of course at the last possible moment I was able to push some sort of noise out of my lungs just as I was cut off when my face hit the dirt and his body fell on top, pinning me beneath him.

“Did you really think you could run?” He whispered smugly in my ear. Teasing me with his power just so I knew that I had lost. Every struggle I made now would be completely useless, I was useless.

Tears leaked freely now, dripping into the dirt below my chin.

It was all over now.

I knew it was over but I still let out a cry of surprise when I was suddenly spun onto my back so that I was looking up at the sky. His face blocked the sky though. I wouldn’t get to stare up at the stars when I died, no I would have to look at the shadowed face of my attacker, not even lucky enough to see his face and know who exactly was ending me. It didn’t seem fair that he could see my face but I couldn’t make out his, then again life is never fair.

When I saw the knife glinting in the moonlight cruelly, I knew he was just taunting me now. Making sure that I knew it was coming and that all the fear would build up and I would cry loudly, begging for my life just before he killed me. He got the reaction he wanted.

I cried and screamed but I refused to beg, it wouldn’t change anything. It would only make me feel less powerful knowing that I actually had to ask someone for my life.

He let out a cruel laugh, drinking in my fear like a drug that fueled his actions just as he brought the knife piercing down, embedding it deeply in my stomach.

I screamed.

Bolting upright in bed I winced slightly when the movement tugged at my stitches. My hand instantly fell upon the white bandage that protected the sealed stab wound. Hoping that my gentle touch would help ease some of the discomfort while I scanned my bedroom in a panic, making sure that a dark figure wasn’t amongst the boxes. It wasn’t.

Letting out a soft sigh of relief I scanned my room again, looking at the boxes instead of for a killer.

Today was moving day, two weeks delayed. Dad had wanted to wait longer, worried about the strain moving would put on me, but I insisted that we do it now. His new office had given him some extra time after he explained what had happened to me but we couldn’t hold this off much longer. Jesse was already in our new house, college had started a week ago and although he had wanted to wait until we moved with him both dad and I made him go. He couldn’t miss his first week because of me.

My plain white walls were bare and empty as was everything else in my room, all packed away and waiting to move. I was going to miss my home a lot but now I wasn’t objected to us moving, strangely I actually kind of welcomed the idea. I didn’t mind moving anymore. I didn’t feel that resentment or anger that I had before because every feeling I had towards this town was now replaced be fear.

My attacker was still loose on the streets and I doubted I’d ever be able to really be at peace knowing that. Leaving was probably best for me now.

Stiffly I removed the plush comforter from my legs and climbed out of bed. There was only a dull ache in my stomach now; the doctors said I was healing nicely. A couple more weeks and I’d be good as new…physically anyway. But I probably wouldn’t be sleeping without a light on for a while…

Grabbing the clothes I had set out the night before I shuffled across the hall to the bathroom. I groaned slightly when I caught the sight of myself in the mirror. I looked exhausted. Large prominent bags hung under my eyes and usually bright blue eyes had no light in them as they stared blandly back at me. I splashed some water over my face to bring some life back into myself but to no avail. I still looked dead tired but I guess it didn’t really matter what I looked like, I was spending most of my day on an airplane.

Running a brush through my dark hair I piled the thick waves into a messy bun on the top of my head and left my face bare of any make up. Pulling on a pair of light wash skinny jeans and a flowy purple top I deemed myself ready and headed back into my room to pack up the rest of my stuff.

“Oh good you’re up.” My dad said brightly as he poked his head into my room. I gave him a brief smile of acknowledgement before turning my back to him to continue packing. I hadn’t really talked to my dad much since the attack. I just didn’t know what to say and I don’t think he did either. I mean what do you say? Hey I’m glad you didn’t die because that would really suck. No there just wasn’t anything to say, I knew my dad was disappointed in me but I also knew that he was disappointed in himself. He was blaming himself I could tell by the sad look in his eyes whenever he helped me change the bandage or saw me wince at a sudden movement. He thought it was his fault and I didn’t say anything because I knew it was mine. I was stubborn and stupid and now I was paying the consequences.

“Okay.” Dad said into the awkward silence that had developed. “The movers are coming at ten, so just be ready to go by then.”

“Yup.” Came my short reply as I continued on with my work, waiting for the sound of his retreating footsteps.

“Okay.” He said simply, giving the door a pat before disappearing to finish his packing.

It didn’t take long to finish stuffing my things into boxes and then I was left to just sit around while we waited for the movers.

They arrived at ten on the dot just like dad said.

I watched in silence on the front porch while they packed up my entire life into this truck. It was strange to think about how easily everything could be moved. You really could just pack up your whole life, the movers were doing that right now and all I could do was watch.

The smallest feeling of sadness spread through my body but it was nothing compared to the relief I felt knowing that his presence wouldn’t taint my new home. The new life I would soon begin was going to be pure and innocent like a new born child. No one there would know me or what had happened to me. No sympathy, no judgement,

I was being given a fresh start and all I could do was hope that nothing screwed that up to.


Hey guys sorry this took so long to upload, I've been really busy with upcoming exams and stuff. Anyway i'd love to get some in put on this chapter so remeber to Comment, Vote, and Fan:)

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