Something I Will Never Forget

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A project was due, I had to work very hard, because I only had a week or two.

This was something I could not ignore, I had to strive to my ultimate limitations, and had to stay after school one hour more.

 All this work I could not bear... After I finished half of what was due,I thought flicked over my mind that bought me in to despair, My project was not very interesting, But changing it would take tons of repair.

 I held confidence and decided to continue, I worked day and night,night and day...Trying to make the best of my project in every way, It did not satisfy me,but I guessed it was okay...  

Then the day aproached me, The day we had to present our projects to all, And everyone around me filled with glee,  I waited and waited for my turn to come, Project one, Project two,three,four, five,six,seven, eight,nine..

Now was the chance to display mine, I filled with tears,as I noticed there was barely any time.  

There was only a few people, obviosly I was last... I became sadder and started to tear more, I tried to cheer my self up,and tried my best not to think of the past.

 Some friends were anxious,Some people were confused... Some friends tried to support me, Some of them weren't even there. I stood there embarrased, crying, not knowing what do, but at all ends,I wanted to be excused.

 I had to continue now,everyone was depending on me, I talked as much as I could,trying not to cry once more, I performed my project, so everyone could see, As I predicted,my project was nothing near how exciting anyone else's could be.

  As soon as all questions were asked,and all answers were given, Everyone tried to cheer me up with their words, I took down my project, and ran to the bathroom as I preffered, Because my sadness had once again occurred.  

Some friends followed me,some friends left me hangin,and some didn't even care, I cried all my sadness out,till I could see only a blurr...

Now i realized who my real friends were, The ones who cared about how I felt,and about my emotions,not just about themselves.

 After all this time,when I actaully thought all of us had a strong bond.. This made me feel very fond about if they actaully considered me as a friend, That would be beyond,beyond..

 Some tried there best to comfort me, some didn't even say bye... Maybe they didn't wan't to hurt me more, maybe some were just shy...

 But I know somewhere deep down in there hearts, That there might be a tiny spec,in which they have feelings for me...

That they cared about me from the very start.

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