Here on my knees shedding tears, wondering why all this misery
Pain, hurt, nothing extraordinary
They say this misery is because you are strong to handle
To prosper to make a champion from failure, a has been, a coward
They say: these are obstacles, just stops along the way
But it feels like eternity of anguish and misery
They say tomorrow can only get better
But I'm still here on my knees wondering, "why, me"
Feeling like yesterday dictated tomorrow
They say
Ha they say
It's to make me stronger, to prepared for something harder
But I'm on my knees bleeding and week
Already torn, ragged, thrown away, stepped on
Something harder they say
I can barely take today tomorrow is too far away
This hurt, this lost, despair from today I can't take a harder obstacle or another tomorrow that was the same as yesterday
A stop along the way but I can't make it past today
Cause yesterday took all of me
Now tomorrow will take the rest of me
Cause it's all the same cycle
Tomorrow just brings sorrow
so don tell me fabrication of different tomorrow
Can't you see I'm still here on my knees wondering why this misery took all of me
But couldn't leave none of me, just to make me strongerSome are still wondering
about what use to be me
But I'm still on my knees wondering why I need to be stronger, if I didn't there would be no misery
I was better when I was meek, even if I was a little weak
I was still me, which is better than this stronger improvisation of the original me
That's my epiphany