Tag 2

11 0 2

I was tagged by a_hoff_stormfly

1. Where do I live?
United States, PA

2. What helps me write a fanfic?

Reading others than changing it somewhat (sorry some people....)

3. How much do I weigh?
125 and I don't care if there's haters out there!

4. Any major body injuries?


5.Where do I go to school?
Armstrong Jr/Sr high school

6. Do you play an instrument?

I play a little piano like I know the All of Me intro!

7. Do I have an noticeable talents?
Does singing count?

8. Do I have a medical condition?

Yes, I almost had the condition where your top lip is attached to your nose but I didn't form the whole way so I have a scar from my nose to my lip. I send a picture of you want. I also have a lazy eye, but I got surgery over the summer

9. Do I want to get married?
Not now but I future possibly.

10. Dream job?

Other weird jobs

Done I'm just gonna tag some people!


Okay!!! That's it!!!

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