Chapter 1

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People constantly talked about her. How wonderful she was, how her smile could light up a room, how she had touched the lives of many. But I saw her pain. I saw how much she hid herself, I was once just like her, many years ago. I fell in love with her complexity, how, just by looking me in the eyes, I was taken somewhere else. We were star crossed lovers. I was the simple, average emo boy. And her? She was the queen bee. The one that anyone would die to be or be with. We could tell no one that we were together.

But all good things must come to an end. The takers came. Just by their name you can tell what they do. They began kidnapping people, and taking them somewhere, no one was sure where. When they come back, they aren't the same. We hide from them. They have built a society. Made our world their own.

But, I'm getting ahead of myself. I'll start from the beginning, and here it is.

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