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'The best relationships are the ones you didn't expect to be in and the ones you never even saw coming.'


How does one describe love? Is it something that occurs gradually between two people? Or something that happens all at once, spurred on by a look, a touch?

Can it be both? Like falling asleep. Something that takes time but also hits you swiftly once it takes hold.

This is the story of such a love. Of childhood friends who became more.  So much more.


Nicholas Anthony Duval.  Brown hair, brown eyesSweet, smart, shy.  True Texan gentleman through and through.

Jeffrey Xavier Sterling.  Blonde hair, brown eyes.  Confident, friendly, a dancer.  Ohio born and bred.

Two boy from two different backgrounds.  But a chance trip when they are young alters the path of their lives forever.


"Mom, are you sure about this???  I could just stay with Auntie Michelle and Ginny while you and Daddy are on your cruise..."  Nick pleads his case with his mother once more, almost clinging to her skirts as she tries to move around his room, helping him pack his supplies up.  "Nicholas, how many times do I have to tell you this.  Aunt Michelle and Uncle Kevin are getting ready for the new baby.  They're sending Ginny off to camp as well.  It will be fun and you'll get to meet all sorts of new people."

Nick picks his stuffed lion up off his bed and clutches it to his chest as he watches his mother continue to move around his room.  He's only 8.  There is no use in arguing with her.  Frankly it would be much more fun if he could just go to his aunt's house for the summer.  Ginny is his favorite cousin, despite her being a girl and two years older than him.

Or maybe he can convince his parents to have Nana stay at the house with him.  That way he could just stay home.  Be able to play with his friends all summer.  Not that he really has a lot of friends.  The only kids he even talks to are Kenny and Josh, but he's not that close to them at all.  Nick really isn't a sporty type boy, he'd much rather read than be off playing soccer or football like everyone else.

His mother turns back to him as she zips up his duffle bag, happy smile of her face.  She drops down to sit beside him on the bed, ruffling his soft brown hair affectionately.  "My darling little Nicky, you'll be fine, my Love.  You'll enjoy yourself at summer camp, I promise.  This one is special.  They're supposed to have all these lovely creative activities.  Singing, dancing, arts and crafts.  It isn't just about summer sports.  You'll have such an amazing time my beautiful boy.  I promise."

Nick looks up at his mother with watery eyes as he hugs his lion tighter to his chest.  "Promise??"  She nods again, pulling him to her side.  "Of course my boy, I promise."


"Mom, mom, mom, mom............"

Joanna is completely exhausted by her child already.  She is struggling to gather all of Jeff's things, packing them with care, but it is increasingly difficult as her 8 year old bounces around her.  Hopping excitedly from one foot to the other as he practically dances around the room.

"Mom, mom, mom, mom, mommy.......  I'm so excited!!!  Gonna meet my bestest friend at camp.  Gonna have so much fun singin and dancin and all sorts of stuff.  Can I go now? Can I, can I, can I?  Mom??  Mommy.........."

Joanna sighs loudly, turning to face her rather rambunctious child as she finally finishes up.  He's skipping happily around the room, big smile on his face.  As hyper as Jeff can be, it is so very hard to stay angry with him.  Her precious child has spirit, energy to spare.  His joy is infectious.


Her smile matches his as he comes over to hug her around her middle.  "Jeffy, my boy.  I hope you meet your 'bestest friend' at camp to.  And have the time of your life this summer, my special little boy."

He is practically beaming at her as he lets go and starts dancing with glee around the room again.


Cars have been pulling into the parking lot of Camp Wanamongo all day, families with young boys piling out and milling around the spacious Kentucky wilderness.

Nick steps out of the taxi cab, pulling his duffle bags behind him sullenly.  His parents got him as far as the airport before they headed off on another plane to fly to their Mediterranean Cruise.  An airport escort helped him navigate everything from leaving Dallas to arriving in that little Kentucky airport.  With the help of the money his parents gave him and their written instructions he was able to find a taxi to bring him here to this camp.  But he'd rather be anywhere but here.

Jeff, in contrast, can't wait to leave his parents' sides.  Rushing ahead of them as they lag behind, weighed down by his bags.  Eventually they are able to catch up with their excitable child just as they reach the main clearing.  Where the orientation meeting is going on.


Each age group is split into two cabins.  After all the parents leave councilors start calling off names, leading their new charges off to the cabins.  Pointing out the appropriate landmarks along the way.

Art Cabin.

Music Cabin.

Dance Cabin.


Bathroom Cabins.

Finally the group of 8 years olds reaches two separate cabins in a clearing in the woods.  They split into two, each group of boys following their respective leader to their cabin.

Nick trudges along silently behind the group he has been assigned to.  As the last boy into the room there isn't much choice left in available beds.  All he can see is one open spot, a taller blonde haired boy is setting his things up on the top bunk, which would leave him the bottom one.  Carefully he looks up at the boy, clearing his throat softly to gain his attention without appearing needy.  Although his voice is much softer than he hoped it would be when he finally opens his mouth to speak.

"Um, hello....  I was wondering if I could share this bunk with you??"

The blonde smiles down at him before he hops down from his perch on his own bed.  "Sure!!  That'd be awesome!  We can be bestest friends and bunk mates!  I'm Jeff!!  You can call me Jeffy if you want, my mommy calls me that sometimes."

Nick smiles shyly in return, soft blush blooming on his cheeks.  He's never met anyone quite like this Jeff kid and he isn't sure how to take it.

"My names Nick.  You can call me Nicky if you want..."

(A/N:  New story.  Won't be nearly as long as my others but I felt inspired to try something like this.  Please let me know what you think.)

Friendly (N. Duvall / J. Sterling) Where stories live. Discover now