1. Put Me In An Old Janitors Closet (edited)

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Chapter 1: Put me in an old janitors closet.

To me, introductions are the hardest part of writing. Within a single word the reader makes a judgment. Do they continue reading or put the book down? Introductions are all about first impressions. Personally, I've never been very good at those, so it doesn't come as a surprise that my writing is lacking in that area as well. I tend to be very awkward and even rude around new people. Again, my writing follows suit. It's my biggest down fall. Never have I started off on the right foot with someone. In all honesty, I've never cared enough to try making friends. I'm better alone so I often skip introductions.

"I'm sorry sir, but there are an extremely limited amount of dorms on campus. Every student must have a roommate." the woman said as she peered at me over her wire rimmed glasses, not bothering to hide her look of disgust after taking in my appearance.

I briefly looked down to the black ripped jeans and matching combat boots I had paired with a plain black t-shirt earlier that morning. I wore variations of this outfit every day, and I would occasionally choose a colored shirt, but my pale skin coupled with light colors tends to make me look like an ugly marshmallow topped with a mint green toupee.
I looked back up at the lady now slightly annoyed.

"Put me in an old janitors closet. I don't care, but I refuse to share a room with one of these idiots." I snapped while making a grand gesture towards the students in the waiting room.

Several kids were sitting quietly on their phones, while others partook in, to put it nicely, more unconventional activities.

Two kids who looked to be about a year younger than me were repeatedly punching the vending machine and almost knocking it to the ground several times while yelling at it for being a crook and stealing their dollar. Another guy a few seats away was reading a book upside down while his friend picked a booger and proceeded to eat it.

The lady grimaced slightly before turning back to me. "Sir, as I said before, every student must share a room as the college accepts only the amount of students it can house. All freshman and sophomores are required to live on campus meaning you will have a roommate." She spoke with a firm tone that left no room for argument and rose her eyebrows daring me to challenge her.
"Fine. " I replied grudgingly.

"Good." She said, "Now, what is your name ?"

"Min Yoongi."

"Okay, you will be in room 796. Your roommate is not here yet. Have a nice day sir. " she said and swiftly handed me the keys as I glared at her one final time before grabbing my suitcase and stomping off to find my dorm.

Being the first to arrive, I had a chance to look around. Upon walking in the door, there was a small kitchen immediately to my right and a breakfast bar that connected the kitchen to the common area in front of me. The space was just barely large enough to fit a small couch, coffee table ,and media console against the wall. On my left, were three doors, two of which I assumed were the bedrooms. Leaving the remaining door to be a bathroom that lay in between both rooms.
So much for privacy
Each bedroom had two windows overlooking nothing but an old street with so many potholes that it was only used as a back road when a section of the highway was shut down.
I decided to take the room farthest from the entrance in hopes that it would keep me farther away from any possible noise made by my roommate.

The suitcase I brought with me contained only a spare change of clothes and a duvet for my bed. The rest of my stuff was being delivered to the room in an hour or two.
I decided to make my bed and set my outfit into the dresser in my closet. For lack of better things to do until my stuff arrived, I flopped down on the twin bed. A few minutes later, there was a small crash coming from the kitchen but I was too tired to make any inquiries about the source of the sound and instead let myself fall into a much needed sleep.


HI GUYS !!!!! so this is my first ever attempt at writing a book . *internal and external freak out* I'm so excited to look back on this chapter later and be so dissapointed in my past self. Oh my god it's going to be great 👌👌👌
I hope this chapter wasn't complete trash. Also, I'm going to be signing off with an acronym: L.L.L.
It means Live Like Larry.
It's a Spongebob reference. Because I can't write a book without one. so for those of you that don't like Spongebob, I'm sorry just make up your own meaning for L.L.L.


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