Chapter Five

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Leaves drifted lazily down around me in the wake of autumn. The oaks leaves had altered to a dark yellow colour that speckled with red pigment. Which probably was supposed to be beautiful but not for me who had taken biology for years. All that could I could think about was that it was weird how all of the chloroplasts in the leaves just suddenly died. I swear last week the leaves were still in perfect green condition.

I was exactly where Namjoon asked me to wait, wearing the full black outfit that he also requested.I still didn't know why I would need to wear full black when I asked him all he said was that I need to trust him. Unless we were going to a funeral which I hope dear god wasn't the case.

The tree was only a little distance from the school halls entrance it was in perfect visual distance. I was sat on a protruding root that was situated near the trunk. It was uncomfortable sure but it was better than standing in my opinion. Especially since I didn't know how long he would be.

Namjoon was still in his exam but I didn't mind waiting because I had my headphones to keep me company. I'd be bored out of my mind if it wasn't for them.

My head shot up when I noticed the hall door open and I immediately knew it was Namjoon. He looked so tall from a distance in his school uniform which consisted of fancy pants, a white button up, school tie and cardigan. Not going to lie he looked so much younger dressed like that.

I got up and began strolling in his direction, to meet him halfway. A wide smile spread across his face when he noticed me.

"Sorry were you waiting long?" He said once we had finally reached each other.

"I mean a little but that's okay." I replied, offering him a small smile at the end.

"Anyway, how did it go?" I uttered as we started to walk to the front of the school. It was barren at this time of day. He was a late exam that began at three so how it was almost six and already the sky was beginning to dim.

"Yea alright I guess," Namjoon murmured. I knew he was just trying to be modest like always when it came to school. I don't think I could even remember a time when he admitted he thought he had done well.

"Okay, so I have a plan for tonight. I want to take you somewhere where I have always wanted to go since I heard about it. And you will love it also I just know it" I could just tell from his stupid face how excited he was.

"And this place requires an all black outfit?" I asked. I'm not sure why I was even making a big deal of it. It wasn't like I wore black all the time anyway.

"Yea I'm pretty sure. We want to blend in." Namjoon insisted. I was barely able to keep up with his long strides as he made with way along the footpath. The high school was pretty much on the edge town and he was going past it and further. This part of town was mostly deserted with only a few homes being occupied. It looked drab and like it needed a good coat of paint.

"You will understand when we get there," Namjoon spoke, glancing around making me suspect that he was unsure where to go.

"Where is yours then?" I questioned as I stared at his school uniform.

"In my bag. I need to find somewhere to get changed." He looked a little surprised by the question. Perhaps he forgot he was even still in it. He stopped walking and began looking around, scanning his surroundings.

"Just find an empty building or something to get changed in," I stated the obvious and he sighed quietly.

"Okay fine. Stay here I'll be a minute." He said quickly before running up the road. I stood there just kicking peddles around the road. I wonder where he was taking me in this part of town.

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