Towns Folk

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            With the sun peeking over the horizon, dawn greeted the dewy forest. The morning air was still and chilly. The foggy atmosphere sent shivers down Enya's spine and even the raven ruffled its feathers in response. Enya sat leaning against the stone walls to the kingdom. She had nowhere to go, no one to go to, and no supplies.

"But at least I got you." She scoffed at the sleepy bird. Its legs trembled as the chilly morning air tested its basic survival skills. Rolling her eyes Enya broke some nearby sticks, piled them up before the bird, and whispered, "brann." She blew into her palm and sparks began rolling off her fingers and tumbling onto the sticks. Before long a small fire was lit. The appreciative bird chirped at her and shook its dark feathers.

Sleep tempted Enya, but she knew it would be dangerous to doze off here. She needed to find an inn or somewhere safe in town. With a yawn, she rose to her feet and began gathering what little belongings she had left. The raven was reluctant to part ways with the warm fire but after Enya started walking away, it quickly fluttered up to her shoulder.

"Beautiful morning isn't it sir?" Enya smiled at a pacing guard at the entrance of the town. He eyed her curiously and she sunk deeper into her hood.

"Yes. Quite lovely." His deep voice rattled her and she hurried past him into town. Guards were always unpredictable and that made her nervous. She already lost everything, she wasn't trying to lose her life too.

The village shops were just opening and it was an interesting sight to see. People scurried to get ready for the rush of towns folk. Curtains were being pulled open, tents set up and stocked, and the people shouted orders to one another. Enya couldn't tell what was more chaotic, the shopping itself or preparing for it. The smell was certainly better in the morning; fresh fruit blessed the area with the sweetest of aromas and other shops were putting out their latest and strongest incense. Enya inhaled deeply and was drawn to a nearby fruit stand. The oranges called to her and her mouth watered.

"We aren't open yet hun." A short woman with brunette hair snipped at her.

"Please ma'am, I will pay you for the fruit I just am so hungry and-"

"Zip it sweetie, I am not open yet." With one hand on her hip and the other one shooing her away, Enya made the difficult decision to step away from the glorious food.

The raven peeped in Enya's ear and she patted the birds head. She knew the raven was hungry too, but until people decided to open shop, there wasn't much she could do. The colorful tents teased and taunted her with bread, fruit, and other delicious scents. Nearly mad, Enya stomped over to a tent that just had to be open.

"How much for bread?" Enya asked aggressively. A tall mysterious man smirked at her and leaned toward her.

"What's a lovely young lady like you doing out in town this early. Shouldn't you be catching your beauty rest?" His unfamiliar accent interested her, but his condescending tone got under her skin.

"Excuse me sir, all I really need is an much for your bread?" her stomach rumbled.

"Why do you hide behind a hood darling? Come, let me see what you have to offer here?" The man reached toward her cheek and Enya jumped back causing the raven to become unstable and flutter to the ground.

"Do not touch me sir. I have nothing to offer you. I will find bread elsewhere." Offended, Enya lifted the startled bird and spun around.

"Is this man bothering you?" A tall dark figure loomed over her. Enya's heart clenched in slight panic at the stranger's glare.

The stranger's skin was pale with eerie shadows contouring his handsome features. Dark eyes were cast at the creep behind her and a strong hand was holding her arm protectively. The man was covered in a black cloak and all that was showing was his large hands and scowling expression. His aura was menacing and yet intriguing; it was though Enya's perception was being blocked from him.

"It's okay, I was just leaving." she squeaked, glanced back at the bread seller, then maneuvered herself and the raven past the mysterious man.

Enya's pace quickened through the colorful marketplace. People began crowding the area in search of the best products for the best deals. It appeared all that moved around Enya was just a blur and the voices were muffled. Her thoughts lingered on the mysterious man; there was something magical about him and she couldn't pinpoint whether that magic was good or wicked.

"Enya!" Her name being exclaimed snapped her out of her trance and she noticed a hand waving wildly her way.

"Greg!" Her heart raced, she was unbelievably excited to see her senile friend. Greg was all she really had left and his presence comforted her a great deal.

"Are you okay?" His boney hands grasped onto each of her arms, the raven twittered curiously at the smelly character before them.

"Okay? Yea I am fine." Confusion pricked at her attention, "Why?" The expression on Greg's face changed from concerned to guilty and awkward. He removed his grip on her and rubbed the back of his neck.

"Uh..." he looked around avoiding eye contact with Enya while he thought of how to respond. Suddenly, Enya felt frustrated. Why was he acting weird? And more importantly, did he have something to do with the recent string of events?

"Why do you ask?" Enya growled and took a step closer to Greg. Her building temper could be evident in her eyes, she could feel her power causing them to glow, and it caught his attention.

"Oh Enya, calm down. We don't need anyone discovering what you are. Not now of all times." Startled by his words she rubbed her eyes. Had he known she was a witch? Could he have known this whole time? What was going on?

Greg looked around then locked arms with Enya, "Follow me." He whispered then dragged Enya away from the bustling streets. Soon they were walking down a curved stone path and around the bend was a carriage. An auburn horse nickered at their presence and he stroked its snout.

"Greg what's going on?" Enya felt just as curious as she felt frightened.

"Hop in the carriage. Gryllir will take us home." He motioned to the open carriage, "just keep your head down."

"Is this...your carriage?" Now Enya was just confused. She was led to believe Greg was an absentminded homeless man that was poor and with no knowledge of what she was. Yet here he was with his own horse and carriage leading her to his home fully aware of her abilities.

Once they were both in the carriage the horse began to trot down the winding path away from central town. Enya's heart throbbed with anxiety, uncertain with what was happening and overwhelmed from all the questions she had.

"I know you must be confused youngin'. Don't stress. I will explain everything in just a moment."

After a while they arrived outside a gated mansion. The dark gates were interwoven with strong vines with runes strung about. The mansion was glamourous with lots of huge windows and marble accents. They pulled into the path that lead to the front door and the horse, Gryllir, whinnied when they came to a halt. Greg jumped out of the carriage and helped Enya and her raven down. The two massive wooden doors groaned as they were pushed open from the inside and a petite elderly woman rushed out to greet Enya.

"Oh, deary I am so sorry about what happened. Please come in, come in." The sweet lady ushered Enya and Greg into the mansion and closed the doors behind them.

"Welcome to me and my wife's home." He threw off his ragged cloak and walked toward a huge staircase before them, "Follow me, I will explain as much as can."

Enya couldn't believe what was happening. How could Greg, this "the end is near" exclaimer in the marketplace, with his tattered clothes and horrid stench, live in a mansion, own a horse, and have a sweet lady whom she assumed was his wife. The raven seemed to share Enya's uncertainty and kept chirping quietly as they followed the elderly man up the marvelous marbled staircase.

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