Chapter 2 - Hello?

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It's been two whole days since I last ate and I am really hungry. I have bags in both of my hands from the grocery shopping I did and I am making my way to the hotel.

Before I go to my room, I decide to go downstairs to the lobby for a quick bite before I continue my way to meet the man at the desk. I wanted to complain about a foul odor that I smelled in my room and I could've sworn that I saw blood along the walls. I may be imagining things, but I need to get rid of the smell because it has been in my room for so long. I have been living in the space for 2 weeks now, since I am visiting Tonawanda, New York for a

I am a resident of the Forest Inn. and I live in room 207. A group of people moved two doors away from me in what the people call room 209, the "Red Zone", not too long ago. People say that the room is haunted with a mysterious entity that causes nightmares and "illusions", but the people who reported it probably just pranksters looking for attention. The group of people were comprised of 2 boys and 2 girls, each taller than the other and from the looks of it, they are all related.

I visit the front desk and tell the man about the odor in the room. I also tell him about the things that have happened in the room.

"Oh, Mrs. Fenix, we are very sorry for you being unhappy with your room." The man says calm and apologetic-like.

". We will send cleaning service to your room and get that straightened out for you. As for the "blood" you mentioned earlier, we don't know why or how it happened, but previous guest of that room have complained of the same sightings."

"It's Ms. Anderson, my husband died a long time ago." I say slightly annoyed.

"May I get a different room then?" I say willingly.

"Oh.... I'm sorry about that. Unfortunately, all extra rooms have been rented out and we cannot make any more requests for a room. As you can tell, we have also had room exchange requests due to.... recent events."

"No need to be sorry, but what do you mean by recent events?"

"Well there have been reports of many things going on throughout this hotel, but it seems as if 209 has had the most activity from what I've heard."

"A group of people moved in that room not too long ago, no?" I say out of curiosity.

"Yes and I have gotten some complaints from the second eldest sibling about many crazy sounding things."

"So they are siblings.... but what do you mean by crazy things?"

"Well..... one time he told me about seeing a black silhouette on our commercial that aired not too long ago."

I stand there, dumbfounded, and I don't understand what he meant by that because there have been no airings of a commercial for the Forest Inn & Hotel ever occurred. He begins to grimace at me and I smile wryly as if he said something funny.

I tell him that I need to get going and he nods. I make my way towards my room, but before I can even get to the elevator, I notice that the little girl from 209 goes up to the man. I completely ignore her & the man and continue to my room.

I reach my room and open the door. As I open the door, a small, golden retriever puppy comes to the door and begins to bark. I realize that the barking is from Marty, a 3-month old puppy that has been living with me for quite a while now. I picked the little pupper from the dog rescue shelter over at 7009 Campbell Blvd.

"Calm down Marty, it's just me." I say to soothe the dog's barking.

He begins to whimper and whine.

"It's alright buddy. You were just protecting the living space we are in." I say smiling and patting his head.

I put my bags down and show little Marty a chew toy that I got on the way home. He begins to jump up and down, trying to coax me into giving him the toy. I tease him a bit and, eventually, I give him the toy.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 30, 2017 ⏰

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