ⓟart 9: Chasing Confessions 101

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???????????'s Front Door
Lads and Gentlewoman, I'm deeply sorry that I haven't been updating. To let you guys know, I'll be uploading new chapters at the end of the day of each month.
Anywhore, enjoy!

Cameron's POV:

(Walking down the street)

Just thinking his name really made me smile. After finding my choice, I just grabbed on a sweater and snuck out of my room. It is already midnight and I'm pretty sure when I wake my mom up, hell will break loose. Anyways, I climbed down the window and it was lightly rainy.

I know where I'm going because I kinda searched him up on Facebook and it showed a picture in his backyard with a lake and we only have one lake in this town. Not wanting to get wet, I walked faster because there's no way in hell I'll be running on the wet road. I don't even like to run in general!

As I walked in the porch, I knocked on the door. Knocking two times, knocking three times, I gave up. I went to the side of the house and I saw a window without the closed curtain. Seeing his stuff on his drawer, it's got to be his room.

I picked up some rocks and without seeing the rock, I threw it and broke the window. Turns out it was a big rock!

Great job Cameron!

And why am I doing this? I thought I would be the girl in the relationship?

The lights turned on and that means he's awake. "Cameron, what are you doing here," he said.

"I choose you. You are the only person who made me understand that I'm capable of having friends, and you unlocked something in me that I never knew I possess. You saw the greater side of me other than the rumors. You. I want to be with you." Rain starts to pour on me and I smiled with my confession.

His smile shines so bright and happily leaves downstairs.

I run to the front door I hugged him so tight I never want to let go.

"Do you want go out on a date with me?" he said.

I smiled and said,"I would be delighted to go out on a date with you,.................................."

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