New Friends

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Eli's POV

        Camille takes a breath before opening her mouth to speak, "His name is Michael Fitzgerald. "

        "Camille!"  A voice shouts and Camille spins around.  I follow her gaze and see a girl galloping down the hall.  As she nears closer to my dorm room, I start to see her better.

         "Izabel?"  Camille says as the girl bolts into my room.  I raise an eyebrow at her in confusion.  Where have I seen her before?

          "Are you okay?"  Izabel asks, her voice filled with concern. "Michael was pretty angry back there."

           "I'm fine", Camille assures her. "We both know that Michael's outburst is pretty mild compared to his previous outbusrts."

           "True", Izabel smiles and turns her head, noticing me. "Oh, hi, my name is Izabel." She reaches her hand out and I take it in mine.

            "Nice to meet you." I smile. "I'm Eli." I stare into her eyes before realizing who she is. "Weren't you hanging out with Camille and the triplets downstairs?"

             I release her hand and bring my hand back to my side.  Then she opens her mouth to speak, "Yeah, I was.  I actually came here to talk to you about that.  Are you okay?  'Cause the way Michael treated you is not cool."

             "I'm fine. Actually, no I'm not.  Who were those guys?  And Michael, is he the one who tripped me?"

             "Yeah", she say.  I look from Izabel to Camille and back to Izabel. "the other two guys are his brothers, Alex and Greg."

            I smirk, "What nice guys they are", I say sarcastically, causing Camille and Izabel to giggle. "So why did Michael trip me anyway?"

            Izabel smiles but drops it when she notices Camille's serious expression.  Then Camille turns to me, "Michael is my ex boyfriend.  We date last year and ever since we broke up, he had been getting insanely jealous of every guy that so much as looks at me.  That's why he acted the way he did today."

            I smirk, "So he's just jealous?"

            "Yes",  Camille and Izabel say in unison.

            "Oh, uh...."  I look down at the floor, then looking back up at Camille, I say, "You know I'm not interested in you like that, right?"


            "Okay", I say. "I just want to make sure you know."

            "Okay, cool", Camille says. "Oh hey, what time is it?"

            I reach into my pocket and pull out my phone. "It is 7...7:05 pm.  Why? You two have somewhere to be?

            "Yeah we do", Camille turns to Izabel.  "Iz, we have to go."

            "Wait, go where?" I ask them both.

            "Oh, it's an abandoned building for kids like us.  We do lots of fun stuff." Izabel says. "You should come with us.

             "Would that be okay with you both?" I ask.

             "Oh yeah its fine.  Trust us, you'll have so much fun." Camille says.

             "She's right. You definitely will."  Izabel says, smiling at me before grabbing my hand and pulling me out of my dorm room with Camille following right behind us.

              As we stroll through the hallways,  the thoughts I pushed away before Camille found me resurface.  Except now, new thoughts enter my mind.  So Michael is jealous of me?  He thinks I'm trying to steal Camille away from him?  I smirk as the girls and I hop down the stairs leading to the main room.  I look over at the girls, then Michael returns to my mind. The way he acted today was terrible but that mixed with his sexy man body equals perfection. Oh God! I can only imagine how big is member is.  Then I slowly begin to realize that my own cock is growing hard and bulging against my pants. I momentarily close my eyes and moan, then I open my eyes, noticing Camille and Izabel are staring at me. "Hey Eli,  you okay?" Izabel asks me.

               "I'm fine", I say, blushing.  "I just can't stop thinking about all this crap with Michael. I mean he's being jealous and way too over protective.  It's pretty scary." My voice coming out a little shaky with fear.

               "Don't be afraid of Michael", Camille says. "He'll come around eventually."

              "Yeah I know but..." My voice trails off. "When a man acts the way Michael did, he will most likely hurt someone.  If he doesn't hurt me, then he'll hurt some other poor soul."

              Camille and Izabel look at each other but stay quiet.  We continue our stroll through the main room and down a long hallway.  Suddenly, the stench of urine fills the air and the girls and I cringe when the putrid smell enters our nostrils.  Then, as we hurry pass the bathrooms, Izabel says, "Don't worry, as unbearable as the oder is, you'll get used to it after awhile."

              I nod and whisper okay back to her, then we push through two more doors and burst outside and into the light.  My eyes wince and I stare down at the ground, putting my hand in front of my eyes, desperately trying to block the glare of the sunlight.

              "Where'd you park the car, Camille?" I hear Izabel ask as I move my hand away from my eyes and blink a few times, making my vision clear.

              "Over there", Camille points to a black nissan Altima and I think it's a six cylinder. 

              "Oh yeah", Izabel says.  "I forgot we had to find a new parking spot after those damn nerds stole ours."  She rolls her eyes.

             "Yeah, good thing we found a new spot", Camille says.

             "Yeah it is a good thing.  I mean you saw Michael's face when he found out what the nerds did",  Izabel says, giggling.

             Camille and I start giggling along with her but the thought of Michael quickly enters my mind again.  I force him out but my body still longs to be touched by him.  "Ok", Camille says, "Now we really need to get going". Then as she finishs her sentence, her phone starts buzzing.  She answers it and starts walking toward her car with Izabel following next to me.

            I open the back passenger seat and Izabel and I hop in the back seats. "Yeah, ok, we'll be there soon. Bye", Camille says hanging up the phone and looks up, noticing Iz and I through the rear view mirror. "What? No one wants to sit up front with me?" She giggles but shoots Izabel a serious look, which Izabel returns to Camille. Then Camille turns around and looks at me, "Oh yeah, so Iz and I have to stop at my house to pick up a few things before we go to the hangout,  okay?"

            "Oh, yeah that's fine."  I say as Camille turns around and turns the car on.  The she backs out of the parking spot and pulls out of the parking lot.

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