Story 3 Pt 5: Memories Chains

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Starting the game was easy enough. He placed the rag doll in a place, left the doll, counted to 10 then went to find the doll and told the doll that it was it and had to find him. The cats were locked in his sister's bathroom with food, water, and a tall tower that they could get up that stood in the shower stall. Any doll after them would find it hard to get to them once they were up there.

He had gotten a cup of salt water and gone to hide in the room with a timer, setting it for about thirty minutes, which Min had told him was a good time to do what needed to be done. Swallowing when it dinged at him, he picked up the water and took half of it into his mouth, leaving the room to start hunting for the doll.

He could feel the skin on the back of his neck rise as he carefully moved through the house, taping light switches into the up position to keep them on. He kept his grip around the cup tight, the lid keeping it from spilling. He wasn't going to take any chance for this thing to fuck him over by cheating by getting rid of the water that he had to pour on the doll.

He went to the kitchen, unsurprised when the doll wasn't there. Stopping himself from swallowing in worry, he started to hunt through the house, checking each room starting with the upstairs room.

Charles closed the door to his room after going through it and headed down the stairs. He paused at the sounds of footsteps leading down to the basement. Following the sounds, he felt the hairs on the back of his neck rise, once more stopping the urge to swallow in worry. Walking down the stairs, he flipped on the lights that spread through most of the main area and looked over the area with a frown.

He shuddered at finding a very sharp chef's knife that his sister used in cooking videos sitting next to the computer setup. He knew that the knife had been upstairs, in its drawer and covered with a sheath. Rolling his shoulders, he put the cup down out of the way, having a feeling that it would be a good idea for the moment. He had a bad feeling that the doll wasn't going to play nice and he really didn't want to take a chance at the water spilling, no matter if it was in a spill proof cup.

He wondered if the knife was just a way to fuck with his mind but he brushed the thought to the side for a moment. He had a feeling that the doll was in the room and that according that the rules he had set up it couldn't move when he had his eyes on it. Rolling his shoulders, he walked back up the stairs and locked the door to the basement.

He went back down the stairs, checked his hiding space before closing the door and using the hook on the outside that helped to keep the cats out of rooms to keep it closed. He checked the doll room and found nothing. Once again, he used the hook to keep it closed and the doll out of it. He went through the bathroom and the work room, along with the closet on the side before turning to the main area of the basement.

Charles walked into it and started to turn around in a slow circle, jerking around and narrowing his eyes at the sound of cloth rubbing against cloth. He missed the doll as it dived behind the entertainment center that held the large TV, gaming stations, DVD and Blu-Ray players, and some of their most played games, DVD's and Blu-Ray's.

Picking up the water cup, he peeked around around the center and found that there was nothing behind it, standing up again with narrowed eyes. Going to pick up the cup from the stairs, he moved to stand in the middle of the room, listening and waiting. He could feel the hair on the back of his neck raise as some instinct told him to jump forward and jerk around.

The clatter of the knife and the doll becoming stiff, falling to the floor, made him shudder and shakily approach it. Dumping the water in his mouth over the doll and pouring the water in the cup next, he spoke.

"I win. I win. I win."

He shuddered at the growl that tapered off, making him sigh and fall onto his ass with a wince.

"Fucker was gonna stab me in the back. Asshole," he gasped, mouth dry and tasting like salt.

Standing up, he shakily grabbed the knife and cup, moving to his hiding spot to get the lock box again. He put the doll into it, shuddering at the icy anger that came from it, but locked the box with a sigh and unlatching the various rooms again. He headed up to the kitchen, rinsed out his mouth a few times and drank some juice before pulling his phone close to him.

"Okay, at least he didn't kill me," Charles sighed, calling Min. She told him that she would be there in a few moments and to unlock the door. Taking the lockbox and his drink, he did unlock the door and moved into the living room, finding a knife on the table. "You fucker. You were trying to fuck with my mind," he muttered, putting the box down and picked up the knife, taking it into the kitchen. He came back and put a foot on the lockbox that had been jerking towards the doorway and probably to freedom.

Rolling his eyes, he picked up the box and carried it back to the coffee table, sitting down after he put it down again, watching it as he drank his juice. He was unsurprised when Min walked in with a bag of something that smelled like woods and earth. Rich.

"Sage?" he asked, Min nodding and opening up the bag. She laid out a burner, a small fan to wave the sage smoke about, three bundles of white sage incense that looked homemade, and three matches with a scratch starter.

"Burn one incense after I leave. One in three hours, and the other three hours after that. You do not have to say anything but if you wish to, tell any evil or dark spirits to leave. Not all dark spirits mean to harm but they can draw evil," she instructed, smiling at him. "I will deal with the spirits. Rest only after you have finished the incense," she said.

Charles nodded his head with a sigh, but stood and gathered everything. He would start with the basement and work his way up once she left. Min hummed and picked up the lockbox, putting some kind of paper on top of it, Charles watching as it stuck to the box. Thinking that he had seen too much on the paranormal side, he decided not to ask and lead her out of the house with a promise of a call if anything else happened and when he was heading back to his own home for a second packet.

Sighing, he closed the door behind her, ran through the cleansing, telling anything dark or evil to leave, making sure to go over each room, still drinking juice and water as he went. He let loose Romeo and Buttercup, both cats sneezing at the scent but following him to the kitchen where he had left the knives. Giving them a wash, he put them away and went back down to the basement.

He took his time in making sure that none of the wires or anything had been damage before he popped in his favorite game and set up a livestream. He needed to just relax and play something fun.

He spent the rest of the night alternating between livestreaming and doing another two cleansings. He chatted with the people, told him what he had learned and that he was going to do some research on the little girl if he ever could. There was probably something around and would end up writing out a blog post over what he had experienced and what he found out.

After the last time cleansing the house, he shut down everything and headed to bed with the happy cats as the sun started to light up the sky.

Three days later his sister was staring at him with wide eyes. "Really?" she asked, Charles raising an eyebrow at her.

"And you tell me my pediophobia was a bad thing," he said, sneering at her. Carley snorted, slapping her hand over her mouth before wincing as her fingers touched her very red cheeks. He smirked. "Instant karma for laughing at me after I dealt with your bitch ass haunted doll."

"Oh my God," Carly giggled, shaking her head and making Charles roll his eyes. "Yeah, yeah, yeah, I'll have someone come in and make sure the dolls aren't haunted," she promised at the look that he gave her. Waving him off, she sighed and looked down at her purring cats. "Do I have any aloe?" she asked.

Charles smirked. "Nope. And I have ta go drop off my work, meeting with Min and Lin, and get some stuff from Min," he said, picking up his bag with a smirk. Carly whined as he left after giving the cats a pet. He knew that she would find the giant bottle of aloe gel in the kitchen when she went for a bottle of water before leaving to go buy one. She always did after all.

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