Chapter 1

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You Don't Forget - Chapter 1

I glided through the dark waters, I was as light as a feather and as smooth as glass, feeling a frisson of excitement. The palace was boring and uninspiring. Pursing my lips, I thought of the one time my father had allowed me to sing in the court ballet. I had sung a particularly ribald song. In public! As I swirled around in the smooth waters that seemed to swath me like cloak, I felt a heady rush of adrenaline as I mumbled the lyrics of that rude song "oh voluptuous women of bad taste, sluts and hussies and harlots alike, come flock and flounder to the baron, whispering sweet sensations" it was a senseless song in a way, designed to mortify and irk her father. Thinking back to the moment when my sister, Nyx, had intervened during the shouting match, I slammed my fist into the rock, little suck up she was, wasn't she? "Please don't scold sis, dad? I'm sure she didn't mean it!" I mimicked her words. Oh, I meant everything I did little sis. I kicked my feet in frustration and annoyance. Bitch. I yanked at a couple of moldering plants and I was soon enveloped into the darkness. Licking my sharp canines, my hands clasped around a small fish. I didn't come here for nothing.

I was 7 and Nyx was 5. I was so desperate for my...our mother's love. For her birthday, I scoured the gardens for the perfect item, I would have run to one end of the world to another if she had asked me to. I tried so hard to make her just look at me. I was all sweaty and grinning in anticipation and my fingers curled around the red orchid. A servant said she was sick and couldn't see me, she told me to wait. And then, later that day I saw Nyx giggling in delight as my mother cradled her in her arms. It hurt real bad. The orchid lay forgotten on the ground. She was MY mother, not Nyx's but mine, but...but, why did she have all her love instead? That brat never deserved it. She did not posses the royal blood of my mother. Queen Kayla. My mother had always been noble. While hers...........

What I had sunk my fangs into was not a frantic hapless fish, but a tenticuvenuzela, a fish so venomous with black poison pooling in the body, a fish that could produce enough voltage to torture mermaids to submission (a interrogating tool) it was considered painful to even touch it and I had inhaled it into my body. The pain rocked through my body, I felt like all my bones had contracted together and was squeezing it to a tight ball. Red dots exploded in my vision. Every fibre of my being was screaming. My unconscious body was meandering aimlessly in the black waters, no one would help me.

While my body was writhing in pain, my mind would involuntarily spit out memories, memories of being abashed and humiliated, memories of true utter uncontrollable anger boiling at the core of myself. Memories of recent regrets. Me severing all ties with Kiernan, my best friend, me yelling at him, he running a hand through his dark blonde hair and bellowing "Fine! So be it!" I was too prideful to eat humble pie and he had too much dignity to apologize. It had been 3 years ago, on my 17 birthday.

I still thought of being friends. It was lonely, sad and frustrating being alone. I wonder where is he now? Has he gotten a new better friend? He would have laughed if I had told him about the song, I knew he would, I thought mournfully. We were the devious duo, a name dubbed by the palace staff. There, my greatest regret.

I remember the kelp fight. With him, Kiernen. Raining insults like "Trollope " and "tramp" at each other while pelting each other with grimy bits of kelp. It was a mark of friendship that he didn't complain about the smell afterward (he stank too). Except when he pretended to sniff the air with a puzzled expression complaining of "someone who really needed a bath" We had hidden bits of kelp everywhere for unlucky people to find , we even took the toilet paper and let chaos reign . Kiernen had even switched my food with moldy kelp (he got more kelp on his face). I myself didn't expect us to fight for so long. I thought it would blow over. He wasn't a petty person and I thought sooner or later we would make up. How was I to know it marked the end of a 6 year friendship?

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