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Present Time: Stiles' point of view

I quickly ducked as my brother Percy tried to slice his sword at me. I know what you are thinking, why is your brother trying to kill you?

Well that is a normal thing here at Camp Half Blood. A year ago, I would have run away screaming at the sight of a sword being pointed in my direction. Now, I know how to protect myself.

I am not the weak person the pack thinks I am. "You got this Stiles!" my girlfriend Naomi yelled. I was distracted by trying to smile at her and missed Percy's sword by only a few inches. "Sorry!" she said sheepishly.

"Come on seaweed brain!" yelled Annabeth at Percy, her boyfriend. I swung my sword and it hit Percy's with a loud clang. The vibration from the swords colliding caught us both off guard but I recovered quickly and swiped my foot behind his legs.

As soon as he hit the ground I pointed my sword towards his chest and said," I win".

"Ha, I told you he would win. You owe me ten bucks Annie", Naomi teased sticking her tongue out at Annabeth while the both of them walked towards us.

I pushed a button on my sword and turned it back into a bracelet, and then helped Percy off the ground with a smile. "You only won because I was distracted", he said with a friendly laugh. "Make sure it doesn't happen again."

Once I said that we both busted out into laughter.

I am glad I have Percy and the rest. They are my true family and I can be myself around them. "Good job babe. That was really cool," My girlfriend Naomi, told me with a smile. I gave her a kiss and retreated to go shower.

The thing with Naomi was I did not have to chase her to prove I liked her, as I did with Lydia. We both knew we were into each other from the start. I remember meeting her like it was yesterday.


It has been two weeks since Percy and Grover brought me here, and I think I am fitting in fairly well. I have been trying not to think of the pack and Beacon Hills but that has only succeeded for a short time, I am hoping the longer I stay here the faster I forget them.

My dad Poseidon had claimed me, even though I already knew he was my father. Right now, I am running late for training, seeing as I woke up late. I hurriedly put on a camp half-blood t-shirt and some dark blue khakis.

I ran outside trying not to be as late as I already was and accidentally bumped into someone.

I heard a short groan and saw a beautiful girl laying on the ground. She had curly hair and beautiful brown eyes, her skin was like a silky caramel.

She was also wearing a camp half-blood shirt, but then again, that is what everyone's shirt said.

I quickly helped her up and introduced myself. "My name's Naomi Lee. ". She told me with a bright smile.

"So who's your godly parent?" I asked her with a friendly but sarcastic smile. "Apollo's my dad,what about you?"

"My dad's Posiedon", I said with a proud smile. "Cool. Thanks for helping me up by the way."

"Well I did knock you down." I told her with a hearty laugh. Before we could continue talking Percy came up behind me and clapped me on the back. For once, I did not wince.

"I see you've met Naomi, she's nice isn't she? " he said asked me. I nodded and told him we should go to training.

"See you around Naomi," I told her. "Bye Stiles." I started to walk away with a huge smile on my face. "So I'm chopped liver then", said Percy with mock sadness.

I laughed at him and walked away.


That is how Naomi and I met, and now we are both happier than ever. I made it to my room and took a 20-minute shower. Just as I was got out, I hear a knock on the door. It was Annabeth, "Hey kelp head, Chiron and Mr. D need you, me, Percy and Naomi at the big house ASAP." "Alright give me a second to get dressed.

I quickly put on some jeans and another camp half-blood shirt, but this time with one of my flannels on. I ran and met the other three walking in. "Have I mentioned how much I love those flannels." Said Naomi with a smile. "Not enough actually," I said playing along.

We both chuckled and went into the big house. Chiron and Mr. D were there waiting on us. He motioned for us to sit and began talking. "There is a pack in Beacon Hills. They need major help, there is a new threat going there. One of many, and I need you four to go and protect them from the dangers that they will face".

We all stared in silence until I broke it. "What pack is it?" I asked even though I had a feeling who it was. "The McCall pack." Mr.D told us. "Do we have to go? Can't they handle themselves?" I asked bitterly. Chiron looked at me and said, "If they didn't need help then I wouldn't have said a thing. But they need our help and you four will assist them." He said with a voice that left no room for arguments.

"Now go pack. You all will be there for a while." He finished off. We all left and went to my room. They could all sense my anger and sadness for having to go back to the people who hurt me the most.

"It'll be OK Stiles; you don't even have to pay them any mind." Naomi said.

"Dude, we'll all be with you so it won't even be that bad." "Yeah come on kelp head, you'll be find, you'll have us with you. Remember? The four musketeers." Annabeth told me. "Stiles they won't be able to hurt you again. Not with us around. We'll be untouchable." Naomi told me with a big smile.

I looked up at them and said, "OK let's get packing and go. We can meet at the barrier in an hour" Naomi kissed me on the lips and left, with Percy and Annabeth following behind her. I packed my clothes and a few pictures.

Mostly ones with Annabeth, Percy, Naomi and I in them. There was one of Naomi and I kissing and I smiled at it. I was most definitely bringing it with me.

I grabbed my weapons and armor. My sword that turns into a bracelet. My daggers that turn into rings. My bow and unlimited arrows, a gift from the gods, which turned into a pen. Once I got those, I looked around the room to make sure I had everything.

I met everyone at the barrier an hour later and we all looked at each other before crossing the barrier.

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