Stiles' Cousin Miguel

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Being squished in the back of Stiles' Jeep with an unconscious young Derek Hale was not how I had expected this trip to go. We had all traveled down to Mexico to meet with the Calaveras who were supposed to know where Derek was, but now here we are with a 16 year old Derek that is out cold.

"How you holding up back there?" Stiles asks as he looked back at me through the rear view mirror.

"Great you know, this is exactly how I wanted to spend my weekend."

"You're the one who begged to tag along." Scott shot back to me as I rolled my eyes. "We'll drop you off at the house on the way to the animal clinic, deal?"

"Sounds good to me!" I smiled back at my older brother as he turned back around in the passenger seat.

Realizing that it was going to take some time to get home, I rested my head on the window and drifted off to sleep. Soon I feel my body jolt into the seat in front of me.

"Ow! Jeez Stiles!" I whine as I rub my nose.

"We're here, get out." He replies.

I sigh dramatically, grab my bag, and hop out of the car. I try to slyly sneak through the front door but am immediately stopped by my dad.

"Hey sweetheart, late night?" he asks while staring into my soul.

"Uhh, yeah, something like that."

"Mhmmm, and how was the camping trip?" he questions.

"Great! Thanks again for letting me go." I say while awkwardly looking at my shoes.

Everything between me and my dad has always been awkward due to him never being around. When he first came back I was pissed and was not having any of it. I ignored him for about 3 months which is nothing compared to him leaving me and Scott for 10+ years. Anyways, now anytime we're alone together the room fills with a heavy silence while he tries to get me to look at him and I just stare at the ground.

"Of course. Scott's not with you? We were all supposed to eat dinner together since your mom was working late." he points out.

"Oh yea, Deaton needed him." I quickly lied.

"Shame. Did you-" he started but I quickly cut in.

"Look dad, I'm really tired. I think I'm just gonna head upstairs, shower, and go to sleep." I say as I start making my way up the stairs to my room.

"Landon! Are we ever going to be able to have a conversation without you walking away?" he raised his voice, waiting for an answer.

"I don't know, come back in another 10 years and we'll talk about it." I responded and finished running to my room. I took my shower and collapsed onto my bed.

Exhausted didn't even come close to what I was feeling. Just the thought of having to wake up early and go to school tomorrow made me groan. I slowly fell asleep, only to be waken up by Scott sitting on my bed and shaking my leg.

"Hmm?" I mumbled in response.

"Just wanted to let you know I was home." he said in a soft voice.

I sat up and asked, "Anything new with Derek?"

"Nope, Deaton doesn't know what to do. Lydia is staying the night with him to make sure nothing happens." he answers and then it's silent.

"Dad came to me for advice on how to 'connect with you' again. Why can't you just forgive him and move on like I did?" he asked clearly tired of the feud.

"You are so quick to forgive Scott! He left us for 10 years! He missed all of our birthdays and sports games and recitals, everything!" I shouted.

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