chapter twenty - nine

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        GAZING AT BLAIRE, she can't help but feel the sudden urge to help her, to question whether he hurt her

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GAZING AT BLAIRE, she can't help but feel the sudden urge to help her, to question whether he hurt her. It is more than she has ever felt for her before, she dreamt of empowering her and becoming prettier than her but never worried about if whether or not she was okay. There was a time that Isla thought of the red-headed vixen as exactly that -- a fox, sly with teeth bared, it's tail wiggling with excitement. She thought of her as a crystal object, cool and shiny, easy to break. In the end, Isla was the one that was easy to break.

Therefore, she is going to stop Blaire from falling to cold, hard cement and becoming a thousand of broken pieces.

Of course, Isla is a girl that acts on impulse, it was now, or never; and yet, she has nothing to say, her tongue in knots. How does she even start? Before Isla gets the chance to break the ice, though, Blaire crosses her arms over her chest and shoots her a look of disgust as she stands by her bedpost.

"If you have come here to confess your crimes," Blaire retorts coolly, every syllable laced with a hint of poison. "Keep in mind I'll judge you accordingly."

Isla knew that she wouldn't be friendly, that doesn't mean her nerves won't multiply. Shuffling on her feet, Isla puts her hands beside her, fidgeting slightly. Blaire must love the sight, the girl who tried to defy her cowering before her. The old Isla would love that. Does she?

Isla feels hot, nervous sweat tickle her skin under her top. Looking for words to say, she hesitates. "You already know everything I did wrong," Isla stutters lightly, her voice knowingly cracking, and she nervously clears her throat.

Isla didn't look in Blaire's eyes when she said the next thing. In fact, her eyes are solely concentrated on the gold rug below her feet, her dark bangs seeping past her face. However, what Blaire had to say, made her head snap up in a second and all the blood within her to run cold.

"I know you had sex with Felix, too," were the words that left Blaire's armor-like crimson lips.

Isla's lips part and she can't stop the words leaving her lips. "What?"

Blaire glowers at her from a distance. "I know you had sex with my boyfriend, you cheap whore," repeats Blaire with a nasty tone, the words hitting Isla like a tonne of bricks.

Isla shakes her head to deny it, mostly to herself, because she can't believe this is happening to her again; she can't believe that, once again, Felix always has the upper hand with all of the lies he tells, an upper hand over her, and even Blaire. Isla can't form words, only shaking her head like an idiot, but she can't help it; she feels so lost and exhausted. Tired of everything.

"Are you trying to deny it, Loony?" Blaire snaps. "Felix told me everything. He told me that you got him drunk and made him have sex with you."

It's too much to handle, and Isla can feel tears collide down her cheeks. This is not what she came here for, another accusation of lies that ultimately steal a piece of her dignity and her heart. This is all too much, and it is getting harder to bear.

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