Favourite picture together

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Him... making snow angels together
You... sitting by a blue pool in Hawaii, making funny faces at the camera

Him... you on his shoulders
You... him giving you a piggyback and giving a peace sign to the camera

Him... hitting you with a pillow when you're taking a selfie
You... him putting a pink flower in your hair 

Him... you wearing his glasses and him wearing one of your favourite accessories
You... him licking some melted ice cream off of YOUR waffle cone

Him... jumping into a pool in Hawaii
You... making one of those hearts in front of a sunset

Him... him pointing at your shoes to indicate that he's shouting 'WHAT ARE THOOOOOOOSE!!!!!!!!!'
You... him putting ice cream on your forehead

Him... a selfie before one of Connor's hockey games
You... him holding you bridal style in front of the DisneyLand Castle

Him... hugging each other on a beach in front of a sunset
You... helping him attempt a handstand

Him... sitting in a boat together, fishing
You... you kissing his cheek

Him... you sitting together on the structure for Two-Story Shoot the Person Behind the door
You... sitting on a rollercoaster before it began moving

Him... in a Starbucks
You... a screenshot a fan sent you on Twitter of you and Mike hugging on a couch

Him... you putting makeup on him
You... sharing a string of spaghetti like in Lady and the Tramp

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