Shinsou Hitoshi| Supportive Allies (DRABBLE/COMFORT)

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Look at that amazing official art~

Let's pray and hope that some way, some how, Mineta happens to mysteriously leave class and Shinsou joins class 1A, where he belongs (Oops)! I love almost everyone from this series and I truly believe that they're all deserving of becoming heroes.

Let's pray and hope that some way, some how, Mineta happens to mysteriously leave class and Shinsou joins class 1A, where he belongs (Oops)! I love almost everyone from this series and I truly believe that they're all deserving of becoming heroes

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Requested by @xXShiningLily

Shinsou x reader. Both are in their last year of middle school and the reader finds out that Shinsou wants to go to U.A. She approaches him after school and asks him about it. He feels uncomfortable because he thinks that she'll tell him that being a villian would suit him better. She tries to support him and convince him that he shouldn't be insecure.


It was a hot July in the Saitama Prefecture, and the last week of school in Nabu Middle School before everyone would set off to their choice of high schools. Throughout the whole school day, that seemed to be the only topic that students were talking about. You were curious of the high schools that some of the students were planning to go to.

One student in particular. Your friend, Shinsou Hitoshi.

Usually at the end of the day, the two of you walked home together since your houses were in the same neighbourhood. So you decided that you'll pop the question at that time.

Currently, the two of you were on cleaning duty to tidy up the classroom before you went home. You finished sweeping, and wiping off the chalkboard. Shinsou had one last desk to sanitize before he was done.

You approach him and pull out the nearest chair, plopping down in it. You look at the clock and see that there's only 5 more minutes before you could go home.

Perfect! You thought.

"Shinsou! We're walking home today, yeah?" You ask.

"Mm, sure." He says, nodding slightly offering you a small smile.

It didn't take the male any longer to finish, once he was done the two of you immediately exited the class and headed to your lockers to obtain any of your personal belongings.

Shinsou softly closes his locker and waits at the front entrance for you, "Alright, let's go." He says.

You slam yours shut and quickly head after him, "Coming!" Your footsteps and the bang of the metal echoes throughout the halls.

"(Y/N), you shouldn't close them with such force, there still are teachers in the school," He lightly scolds, pinching your cheek briefly before returning his hands to his backpack straps.

"Ow, ow, ow! Okay, okay!" You whine, babying your slightly sore cheek from where Shinsou left his mark. You poke your tongue out at him, whilst the two of you continue the walk down the sidewalk.

"Ah yes, speaking about school, Shinsou..." You begin.

"Hm? What is it?"

"Have you thought about what high school you'd like to go to? After the break is over and all."

Once that question was out in the open, it was fairly silent between you two. From the corner of your eye, you could see Shinsou tense up it bit. He was visibly uncomfortable.

"Shinsou? Are you... okay?" You ask wearily.

He keeps his gaze downcast, his eyes shadowed over by his vibrant purple hair. "Don't worry about it," He simply mutters.

"Aw, don't be like that Shinsou! We're friends, remember? I'll support any decision you decide to make." You ensure him, peering at his face.

Shinsou sticks his hands in his pocket, silently bracing himself for the negative reaction for how you'd react to the school he applied for. He was ready to see a judgemental expression most people gave him, or the occasional, "You know, your quirk resembles more of a villain's quirk than a hero's."

"I want to go to U.A." He states in a bit of a rush.

You suck in a breath of surprise, "Really!?" You gasp out.

"I guess..."

You stop walking and grab onto his arm, "Shinsou!"

His eyebrows lift up in a confused state. This was definitely peculiar from the other reactions he has received.

"That's amazing!! That school is one of the best, and it's super elite! You're really smart, so I know you can pull it off! Your quirk is pretty amazing as well, so it's a win-win situation!" You emphasized, enthusiasm evident in your voice and eyes. You squeeze Shinsou's arm out of sheer excitement and shock.

Genuinely, Shinsou was beyond confused. Your  words were completely the opposite of what he was expecting you to say.

"You... don't think my quirk is... villainous?" He hesitantly asks you, looking into your eyes to find any hint of a lie.

"Shinsou, everyone's quirk has the power to do good or bad. It just depends on how we use it as the holder. I know you don't have an ill intentions, and you have amazing mindset of what's right from wrong. You're quirk is very useful indeed and holds such great power! And to know that you'd want to use your quirk for good, I don't see you as a villain at all! I never have." You pronounce, smiling at Shinsou at the end of your short speech.

"I-" He begins, though you quickly intervene.

"Hey, when it comes to me, I don't want you feeling as if you can't tell me certain things. I'll be here to support as much as possible! So much so, when you do get that acceptance letter into the U.A, I'll be there at your first ever Sports Festival to watch!"

Shinsou smiles at your words, he definitely needed these words of encouragement to give him that extra push to go after his goal as a hero.

"Of course. Thank you, (Y/N)," he says, beginning to start walking again, turning to hide his smile.

You walk up as well, matching his pace. "Anytime at all!" You go up to ruffle up his messy, purple locks. Though, your fingers get entangled in a tiny knot.

"Ow." Shinsou grunts, hastily removing your hand from his head. He gives you a teasing side-eye and speed walks away from you.

"Oops! Sorry, Shinsou!"



If you enjoyed this one shot, or any of the past ones, I'd really appreciate it if you'd VOTE! It lets me know who your favourite character is and such!

I'm thinking of writing some angst, but I'm not sure for who! Which character would you like to see? Lemme know!

Anyways, thanks for reading! Hope to see you in the next chapter!


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