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"You're in an AU."

"Whats an AU?" I asked genuinely confused. Genuinely done. But maybe this is the answer.

He blankly looked at me which made me angrier "dude! Fuck you mean?"

He paused and looked at me "well.. do you want the direct definition?"

I squinted my eyes "uhh well yeah. No fucking shit."

"You're in an Alternate Universe." Jin said walking into the room and settling on the couch.

An alternate universe? "Like...?" I trailed off not being able to find my words.

"You're in a different world, you don't belong here." Namjoon said pointing at me and settled next to Jin, throwing his arm around him.

"I don't.. belong..." I muttered under my breath.

"Haven't you noticed the differences? Appearances of close friends or family, the difference in personality?" Jin asked furrowing his eyebrows.

"Some personalities may not change though, even appearances may be the same." Namjoon added.

Appearances... personality... I wasn't sure about personality but Jungkook seemed bolder. The appearances... they seemed all wrong to me, definetley a change.

"So you have noticed..?" Namjoon inquired. I looked up at him, not even realizing I was looking down in the first place.

"I- everyone looks different. But I don't know about the personalities. I don't even want to fucking know. I want to go back home." I said starting to get angry.

Jin bit his lip. "We don't kno-"

"What? What don't you know?! How to get me back home?! You seem to know enough about how I don't fucking belong here! Tell me how you know that!" I started to yell at them.

Namjoon gave me a serious look "Hey. We didn't bring you here, don't blame it on us."

I ignored what he said and shook my head, I don't care if I'm acting childish "then how could you tell that I didn't belong here? You have to know something. I want to go home."

They looked at me blankly "we don't know how to get you back, all that we can tell you is to wait it out." Jin said looking away.

"Wait it out?" I asked laughing in disbelief. "Are you fucking kidding me? What do you know, huh?"

Jin looked at me with anger in his eyes "because it happened to me!" He yelled and got up to leave the room. A door slammed in the house and I looked at Namjoon.

He sighed "just, go home and I don't know. Go on with your daily life. Pretend that you belong here, try to fit in." He said throwing his hands up.

Pretend I belong? Go on with my daily life? Is he- is he fucking serious, I have no clue about this daily life. I was about to say something when he lifted his hand to give me something.

"What?" I said not knowing what I'm doing or what I was supposed to do.

"My number, keep in touch." I grabbed the paper in between his fingers and walked out the door of his place.

I turned on my phone seeing countless notifications from Hoseok, even Jungkook and Taehyung tried to reach out to me. But they weren't my friends, I didn't know them. Not in this world at least.

I ignored the messages and put Namjoons in. I looked at the street name and realized I have no idea where I am.

I walked down the way I think I came from only to come to a dead end. I groaned and pulled up Namjoons contact.


It's Yoongi. I'm lost.


Give me the coordinates from where you are, I'll take you home.

I sent him the nearest address which was a small worn down convenient store. The lights flickered on the open sign and nobody seemed to be around other than the cashier.

I walked in there opting to buy a bag of chips and a soda. When I opened the door it was silent, there was no background music playing, just the whirring of the soda machine.

I walked down the second ile and picked a bag of chips and went to the back for a can of soda. I turned around to see a teenager standing a little to close for comfort.

"Shit! Fuck! Who the fuck?" I got annoyed and walked around the figure. Fucking teenagers. The kid was wearing all black with black smudged makeup around his eyes, what a weirdo. Probably emo too.

I paid for the stuff I grabbed. I turned around to see Namjoon standing there "yah! What are you standing there so close for? Fucking materialize out of no where why don't you?" I said annoyed throwing up my fists then lowering them.

"This is a bad part of town, Yoongi." Then he grabbed my arm and brought me outside. I seen the teen standing there against the building following us with his eyes.

Namjoon eyed him "yah! Scat!" The kid seemed to thumb something in his pocket before lunging at us.

I freaked out and threw my fists up again but Namjoon took him down in one hit "What the fuck is with this place?" I asked annoyed.

The kid groaned on the ground and Namjoon got in his car. I followed "bad neighborhood." He said turning down a street. "Address?"

I gave him my address and he continued driving. I looked out the window. I wanted to go home. To my real home, not some place I don't belong.

"You know I'm sorry that this happened to you, it's unfortunate, but don't take it out on Jin and I. We want to help, he wants to help." Namjoon said still looking at the road ahead.

"If he has been sent to an AU before, why isn't he able to tell me how to get out of one?" I asked with a buzz of annoyance still ignited within me.

"From what I know, he didn't find a way out. He just... came back." Obviously Namjoon doesn't know what happened. He wasn't there, Jin was.

"Just came back?" I said in a bored tone.

"He came back when the time was right."

"What the fuck is that supposed to mean?" I turned to him annoyed.

He stopped the car still looking ahead "We're here."

I stared at him for a few seconds then got out of the car. I slammed the door and went inside my 'home'.

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