Maybe I'm the last

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Its 2150. Many years have passed since the day the world almost ended. Little did I know that surviving was only just the begining.
I want to write my story who knows one day I may just come across another, or maybe its just so I dont go crazy talking to myself, the need to share my thoughts overwhelming.    
I guess I should introduce myself.
My name is Amy I guess I may just be one of the last left on earth. I just know I have not seen another human in 5 years.
Me, for anyone who could read this, I'd describe myself at nealry 6ft tall, slender but curvy. I have olive skin and black long wavy hair and hazel eyes. Not a beauty I would say, but then again who would describe themselfs as a beauty.  One could almost smile at the ironic thought alone.  Then again who knows the last time I looked in the mirror. Thoughts such as beauty dont work in this world. When fighting for very survival.
The death and loss and heartbreak I've suffred doesnt compare to the loneliness of surviving.

Im glad most of the animals have survived the virus that nearly wiped us all out. Us humans that is, didn't touch them. No we did that in trying to destroy the virus we destroyed ourselfs. Whole city's, countries wiped out at the blink of a eye. 
The only reason I havnt gone crazy is my beautiful golden Stafiture dog.  We look after each other.  And when things get toughest shes always there by my side. 
I have no idea how I survived the virus that destroyed us. Maybe I'm special, but at this point I think im cinical. Why me. 
But maybe I should go back a few years, explain what happened to end up here in this desolate waste land, walking the earth picking at what's left just for survival, its funny I remember a time when my biggest worry was moaning to my mother how hard it was paying all the bills. Working hard to keep afloat. But that was 10 years ago. And now I'm alone. 

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 01, 2017 ⏰

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